5 Essential Test Metrics Every Company Can Use

Test metrics are essential in creating reports that accurately measure the success of your testing initiatives. With 23% or more of IT budgets being spent on testing, it is critical to know that your test suites are giving you what you think they are. Because of this, most companies have put some sort of test tracking in place, however, most companies struggle to find the right test metrics to ensure executive buy-in.

Before diving into what test metrics organizations should consider tracking to benchmark their testing efforts, it’s best to give thought to the overall test reporting strategy. Some basic questions to be answered should include:

Follower Clusters — 3 Major Use Cases for Syncing SQL and NoSQL Deployments

Follower clusters are a ScaleGrid feature that allows you to keep two independent database systems (of the same type) in sync. Unlike cloning or replication, this allows you to maintain an active, point-in-time copy of your production data. 

This extra cluster, known as a follower cluster, can be leveraged for multiple use cases, including for analyzing, optimizing and testing your application performance for MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. In this article, we will cover the top three scenarios to leverage follower clusters for your application.