Migrating From Heroku To Render

From time to time, there are words or phrases that I hear repeated enough to the point where I eventually think, “Hmm, I should check this out.” Render was one of those words. 

On Twitter, I have seen various conversations where people want to migrate from Heroku to another service. Some of the issues people have raised include:

Scheduled Cron Jobs With Render

Programmers often need to run some recurring process automatically at fixed intervals or at specific times. A common solution for this problem is to use a cron job. When you have full access to your own server, configuring cron jobs is quite straightforward. However, how hard is it to configure cron jobs when you use an application hosting service? Some services, thankfully, provide a way for you to do this.

In this article, we’ll walk through a sample mini-project that shows how to easily set up and deploy a cron job on Render.

Under the Hood: Render Unified Cloud

Part of my responsibilities as a Network Programmer early in my career included supporting an enterprise implementation of Novell NetWare. It was the mid-1990s, and Novell had a dominant hold on the network operating system market. I decided it would be in my best interest to become a Certified Novell Engineer (CNE). A few months and several intense examinations later, I obtained my very own version of this certificate:

The most demanding examination in the series focused on networking concepts and the OSI model, which provides seven layers for computer systems to use when communicating over a network. 

React Apps Can Be Incredibly Fast: Here’s How to Optimize Load Time

Without any doubt, speed is the most important factor for a positive user experience — that is, how much time your app takes to load and display content.   

To give you an example, Walmart has reported a +2% conversion per one-second improvement of load time. As per Amazon, every 100ms load time results in a 1% loss in sales.   

Using Render and Go for the First Time

My ability to remember things can drive my wife crazy. Earlier this week, she asked me two questions after I finished telling her a story that I had recalled from my long-term memory: 

  • How do you remember such things?