Software Development Trends for 2022: Remote Work Is Here to Stay

In March 2020, the working world changed forever. By April 2020, about half of all companies reported that more than 80% of their employees worked from home because of Covid-19. Most never went back to the office—remote work is here to stay.

Forced to take life online, technology became of primal importance. Digital transformation is now a basic requirement for any organization wanting to keep up. Technology workers, already in high demand before, are now even more sought after to help build a world where we all rely on technology for the most basic activities.

Focus, Culture, and Metrics in a Remote-First World

How can you build and scale an effective remote organization?

In our digital world, figuring out the answer to this question is crucial, and Chris Brookins the VP of Engineering at Appcues, has some great ideas about how to improve team focus time and maintain company culture in remote-first work environments.

Securing the Future of Remote Working With Augmented Intelligence


Are you familiar with the fact that utilization of artificial intelligence across businesses will tend to create $2.9 trillion of business value in 2021 as well as 6.2 billion hours of productivity? Keeping in view this up-pacing technology, the artificial intelligence market is projected to grow to $190 billion by the year 2025. 

Without any uncertainty, it is clear this whole globe is accommodated with synergizing human intelligence and artificial intelligence. The immense acquisition is observed especially during the pandemic of COVID-19 which was an excuse that “work from home” is becoming a new normal. Either working from home, or from the office or a blend of both, employees are learning to work in different ways with different collaborative tools. As organizations are facing this new normal, technological advancements have made work from home a seamless reality. The evolution of augmented intelligence has paved the way for collaborative experience and richer work. 

Remote Pair Programming with Visual Studio Code and Live Share

Remote work has killed pair programming. Or has it? If anything, it certainly presents an interesting challenge for pair programming when the two developers involved are no longer sitting side by side in the same room. But can you still successfully pair program in this world of remote work?

In this article, we'll look at some of the benefits of pair programming and how you can use technology like the Visual Studio Code Live Share extension to continue to pair program remotely with your colleagues.

Staff Augmentation vs Outsourcing vs Hybrid Approach: A Detailed Comparison


IT companies must deliver projects on time with quality. However, the needs in software development are ever-changing. As a result, it becomes impossible for one company to possess all the skill sets needed to deliver challenging projects. This is where the three IT models become important, namely,

  • Staff augmentation 
  • IT outsourcing services 
  • Hybrid approach 

Is one model better than the other? What motivates companies to choose one over the other? Let us discuss. 

Best Tips to Manage Your Remote Software Development Teams

For a few years now, remote software development has become quite the trend and favorite. Remote software development teams who constitute remote development are usually a team of designers, product engineers, scrum masters, developers, and product managers. All of them work individually over the project cumulatively, resulting in a product's delivery. 

Generally, in outsourcing, the concerned remote software development company will have dedicated managers overseeing the projects. But post the outbreak of the dreaded pandemic, things are changing. Due to work from home, remote teams operate from different locations. For Business Owners, it is a tedious task to ensure the management of these teams. If you happen to be outsourcing your product development or hiring a remote team to design, develop, and deliver projects, here are a few coolest tips to help you manage them. 

How Small Businesses Can Overcome Challenges During a Pandemic

Pandemics are rare. In the past century, we have seen only two major pandemics. This means that rarely people will see two pandemics in their lifetime. But why am I telling you this? The rarity adds unpredictability and exposes how we are not ready to handle the situation.

If you are a small business, you would agree with it. Right now, keeping your small business can be a big challenge. This is entirely different from what the big giants have to go through. The pandemic helped Amazon reach double profit over the year as they netted a $5.2 billion profit compared to their last year’s profit(2019) for $2.6 billion.

4 New Realities That Are (Finally) Shaking Up Security

“Security used to be an inconvenience sometimes, but now it’s a necessity all the time.” It’s funny that such a thought came from a tennis superstar rather than a cybersecurity professional, but that doesn’t diminish from its astounding prescience in today’s digital world.

Data has transformed into a valuable commodity. Security has changed alongside it, but at the same reactive pace that it always has. The job of a security professional has always been to respond to threats, continually re-fortify defenses, try to anticipate what may occur and plan accordingly. 

12 Strategies to Maintain a Secure Testing Environment While Working Remotely

The recent pandemic has led to a major lockdown across the globe. The IT industry is no exception - engineers are now working from home more than ever.

Remote working has enabled convenience, however, when you're working outside the secured office environment, there's an increased risk of internet fraud, data loss, system compromise, and more. As it becomes difficult for some enterprises to monitor and maintain network security, QASource continues to ensure that nothing is compromised.

We Just Had Our First Virtual Reality Status Meeting. Here’s How It Went!

Just about everyone who can be working from home now. And while we're lucky to work in an industry that already works from home regularly and easily, there are still some aspects of being in an office that is difficult to replace. One of them is the stand-up meeting.

Every Monday we have a quick stand-up status meeting with our partner, Heroku. (If you aren't familiar with Heroku, they are a PaaS company that helps you to deploy, manage, and scale apps.) I'm on the opposite side of the country as Jennifer, my counterpart at Heroku, and we typically use Zoom or Google Hangouts for our meeting.

Remote Agile (Part 1): Practices and Tools

Agile has always been about colocation, about direct communication, physical boards, and all the other haptic and analog moments to create value in the digital realm. As a Professional Scrum Trainer, I strive to provide training classes without using PowerPoint or digital devices. Moreover, admittedly, I love index cards. However, times are changing. So, let’s dive into the particularities of practicing remote Agile with distributed teams. 

We start with basic techniques and tools and follow up with how to apply Liberating Structures in the remote realm. 

Coronavirus Should Be a Wake-Up Call

Followers of my articles should not be surprised to read that I am a serious advocate of working remotely. Two of my most popular articles on the topic are included below if you are interested in checking them out:

With all of the media attention surrounding the coronavirus and the continued rise of reported cases, organizations and learning institutions are attempting to slow the growth of the situation by allowing employees and students to work/learn remotely.

9 Tools For Remote Teams to Stay Connected and Productive

An increasing number of working professionals are choosing to work from home or remotely. Going by the numbers, since 2005, the percentage of remote workers has grown by 140% which is nearly 10x faster than the self-employed workforce.

While remote workers enjoy many benefits, they have to deal with some challenges as well — different time zones, communication problems, unreliable and insecure ways to transfer information, and poor collaboration.