Is Remote Work better than In-Office for Developers?

In the past year-and-a-half, going remote has been the primary goal and focus for many companies and individuals. The beginning of the remote work overhaul was rocky to say the least but now that all this time has passed and workplaces have figured out how to work with it and not make it an utter mess- Is it worth keeping? Is it better than being in-office? Should remote work be a standard for dev teams, and in-office be secondary?

Well, that depends on a couple of factors. With some feedback from the Dev Interrupted Discord community, let’s dive into the advantages and disadvantages of remote work.

Does Dev Methodology Matter?

Every software development method has its own rules your team is supposed to adhere to, but how flexible are these rules and what’s best for your team?

Chris Downard, VP of Engineering at GigSmart, doesn’t let Agile or any other methodology define what’s right for his team. In this episode of Dev Interrupted, we discuss how dev processes are changing in a remote world, why Chris got rid of dev teams altogether, and how to create your very own dev methodology.

Focus, Culture, and Metrics in a Remote-First World

How can you build and scale an effective remote organization?

In our digital world, figuring out the answer to this question is crucial, and Chris Brookins the VP of Engineering at Appcues, has some great ideas about how to improve team focus time and maintain company culture in remote-first work environments.

4 Ideas to Help Securely Transition Your Development Team to Remote Work

Remote work is becoming the norm and with development teams in charge of critical systems, security is more important than ever.

Whether it is the flexibility to work with top talent without geographical limitations or in response to the current global crisis, there are many reasons and benefits to transitioning your development team to remote work.

How DevOps Will Change Now That Remote Working Is Here to Stay

As we all know, the way we work has changed forever and fundamentally. What started as a temporary shift to adapt to the pandemic has actually revealed several issues and outdated working practices. 

Now, software like Slack and the many 8x8 competitors out there feel as if they’ve always been with us. Soon, large swathes of office space will likely disappear, and some people may not feel the need to come into the office at all. Remote work is here to stay.