This Week in Spring: Talks, Releases, Surveys, and More

Hi, Spring fans! This week I am in beautiful Tokyo, Japan, where I just spoke at the always lovely annual Spring Fest event. I loved the show, and I hope that the audience got something out of my performance.

Last week was tough. Possibly the toughest week of my life. I didn’t publish an episode of A Bootiful Podcast, as such. You won’t see that episode reflected on the blog because it was my heartbroken dedication to my father, who passed away last week at the age of 81. No interview in that brief, less-than-20 minutes episode.

This Week in Spring: OAuth Security, Reactive Applications, and More

Check out all the latest happenings this week in Spring!

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another of This Week in Spring. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get to it!

This Week in Spring: SpringOne Platform 2019 Edition

It's here; it's finally here! My favorite time of the year! Happy SpringOne Platform week! This week, I'm in the amazing Austin, TX, talking to anybody who wants to know about all things Spring. There have been a ton of amazing things announced at this show, but one thing I've been excited to share with y'all is that we just announced the new Azure Spring Cloud runtime. (More on that in the links below!)

I've been busy! I'm doing one talk with Microsoft on Azure Spring Cloud, and another with Okta /Google on simplifying the dev lifecycle. Also, I'm hosting the keynote tomorrow morning. So much to do, so little time!

This Week in Spring: Spring Tutorials, Podcasts, News, and More

This week holds a lot of exciting new tutorials and releases in Spring

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! We've just finished celebrating Labor Day here in the Long home, in San Francisco, USA. It was a fun day spent with family and friends, and I wasn't sure if I could have any more fun this week, but it's Tuesday, and you know what that means: another epic installment of This Week in Spring.

You may also like: A Guide to the Spring Framework's Annotations

I can't believe we're already in September, staring down the last few months of the year already! As usual, one of my favorite parts of the journey to the next year is the arrival of the epic SpringOne Platform show. This year is no different: I can't wait to celebrate the show with friends in epic Austin, TX. Will you be there? Let me know!

This Week in Spring: Goodbye, Spring Boot 1.x

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another amazing week in Spring! The biggest headline this week: Spring Boot 2.2.0 M5 is available now as well as Spring Boot 2.1.7. The time has come — goodbye, Spring Boot 1.x!

This Week in Spring: Cloud, New Releases, and Java 13 Support

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. This week, I’m in sweet San Francisco, soaking up the sun and enjoying the fun of summer. Sure, I’ve got a few meetings, and appearances, etc., but it is very nice to be home. By the way, I’ll be speaking at the upcoming San Francisco Java User Group — come hang out and say hi!

Anyway, lots of good stuff (as usual), so let’s get to it.

This Week in Spring: Spring WebFlux, Cloud, Data, and More

Hi, Spring fans! What a week it’s been since we last spoke! I was in Zurich, Switzerland; then Paris, France; then Minsk, Belarus; and now, I’m in Barcelona, Spain, for the epic JBCN show. I’ve recorded a few episodes for the podcast (✅), gave a talk (✅) and now have a workshop to deliver on Wednesday (✅). Fun week by the beach! Don’t worry about me, I’ll pull through...

Spring en la primavera

This Week in Spring: Releases, Podcasts, Cloud, and Spring Security

Hi, Spring fans, and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I’m in sunny California, then it’s off to Istanbul, Turkey, for the epic SpringOne Tour event. Then, I'm off again to Chicago, Illinois, for the better-and-better GOTO Chicago show. I hope to see you there!

We’ve got a busy week in Spring, so without further ado, let’s get to it!

This Week in Spring: Releases, Spring Data, Cloud, and More

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another wild-and-wacky week of This Week in Spring! I’m in Johannesburg, South Africa, where I both spoke at the SpringOne Tour South Africa event and at the Johannesburg Java User Group. I have had tons of fun on safari visiting (safely from a great distance and in an SUV) the utterly astonishing, beautiful, majestic wildlife here. I can’t stress that last part enough. The animals here are so, so, SO breathtaking. I got as close as I ever want to get to an elephant that was the size of a small house with eyes. Utterly massive! It towered over buses. When you go into the bush, my tour guide warned, you enter the food chain, and there, we don’t figure very high at all. The experience reminded me how insignificant I am and how utterly privileged I am to be here, with you, dear community. We’re all pretty lucky.

I also really enjoyed meeting some of the local community. My friend, Rory Preddy at Microsoft South Africa, was telling me that the local community here in South Africa is very small — tens of thousands of professional developers, if that. What the community lacks in quantity, they more than make up for in quality.

This Week in Spring: Releases, Podcasts, Debugging, and More

Hi, Spring fans, and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I’m in New York City for the Kafka Summit where I’ll be joining the excellent Tim Berglund, head of developer experience at Confluent, and James Watters, SVP at Pivotal, to talk about why Pivotal and Confluent are better together. Join us! Then, next week it’s off to South Africa (for the SpringOne Tour shows in Capetown and Johannesburg), and then, it’s off again to Mauritius for the DevConf. If you’re in any of those places, don’t hesitate to say hi!.

LTR: Confluent co-founder Jay Kreps, Tim Berglund, me, and Pivotal SVP James Watters