Getting Started With Kubernetes In 2 Days

Kubernetes (commonly abbreviated as K8s) is an open-source platform for container orchestration that we use extensively at Shipyard. It automates many of the tasks involved in maintaining a container-based app, such as deploying, scaling, load-balancing, and auto-scaling.

Kubernetes Done Wrong

Kubernetes is a major asset for modern container management and has streamlined deployment for thousands of companies. However, it is infamous for its steep learning curve. Simply put, Kubernetes is difficult to get right.

On-Demand Software Release With Agility

If your business is customer-centric and cares the most about changing customer demands in today’s competitive market, then probably your tech organization has to think about its strategies for its release model for all the software deliveries. On-demand releases become a trend in the last 5 years, where some of the popular tech companies started this model to increase their product usage and target a high volume of diverse customers with diverse product needs.

What’s an On-Demand Software Release?

On-demand releases are nothing but small incremental product features deployed in the production environment frequently as a part of continuous integration in an automated way following strict agile methodology.

Look, Ma! No Pods!


Release Automation is the cornerstone of modern Software Delivery. Well-established CI/CD pipelines are fundamental to every organization that wants to embrace DevOps/GitOps methodologies in order to achieve:

  • Frequent, rapid release cycles.
  • Fully automated deployment and rollback based on deployment strategies (Rolling Updates, Canary Releases, Blue/Green deployment).
  • Continuous-integration with automated testing.
  • More resources devoted to automated testing than manual testing.

The benefits of CI/CD for businesses undoubtedly should be the first priority no matter what kind of 'Agile' or other methodology is used for project management. Articles like Benefits of Continuous Integration for Businesses and IT Teams or Why the World Needs CI/CD, explain the importance for all stakeholders.