Event-Driven APIs and Schema Governance for Apache Kafka

As a developer, I'm always excited to attend so many great sessions addressing critical challenges in the Apache Kafka ecosystem. One example is how changes to event-driven APIs are leading developers to focus on contract-first development for Kafka.

This article discusses the journey Kafka users have taken to get on the API bandwagon and how developers are using contracts to describe brokers without losing control of their data in the cluster. A critical component for effective schema governance is having a schema registry such as Apicurio Registry

A Bit About Blockchain

This article is for anyone who is curious about blockchain but has no idea what it is exactly. The goal is to make you understand what is blockchain, which means that there are few simplifications done while writing this. If you understand what blockchain technology is by the end of this article, then my mission will be accomplished!

Tips: Do not ignore the images mentioned in this article for the best understanding of blockchain technology. Images are very important.