Reference: Non-Printable Characters List

Non-printable characters on Linux, macOS, or Windows are characters that do not represent a symbol, character, or number that is part of the document's text, but rather are used for things like character encoding. A full list of all non-printable characters along with their decimal and hexidecimal codes are shown below.

How to Find Non-Printable Characters in a File

If you need to see all nonprintable characters in a document, you can use cat -v filename.txt in terminal to find them, where filename.txt is the file you want to show. The contents of the file, along with the non-printable characters in caret notation will be shown in your terminal window.

Java Concurrency: AtomicReference

Java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference is a class designed to update variables in a thread-safe way. Why do we need the class AtomicReference? Why can we not simply use a volatile variable? And how can we use it correctly?

Why AtomicReference?

For the tool I am writing, I need to detect if an object was called from multiple threads. I use the following immutable class for this:

List of WordPress Developers & Designers (2019)

Years ago we posted a list of available WordPress Developers & Designers. Lots of great people and companies shared their information, but a lot has changed. So rather than try to contact everyone on the list and ask them to update their infos, here is a new post of current WordPress developers and designers. Read on for more details..

WordPress Help Wanted!

Looking for WordPress developers and designers? So are many people. Time is scarce these days, and we get quite a few folks asking about where to go for help with their WordPress site. Most of the WP peeps that we know are just as busy as we are, so it would be helpful to have a nice, healthy list of WordPress designers and developers all in one place that people could check out and find some good candidates. That's exactly the point of this quick DigWP post (and the following comments thread).

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