Understanding How Reducers are Used in Redux

A reducer is a function that determines changes to an application’s state. It uses the action it receives to determine this change. We have tools, like Redux, that help manage an application’s state changes in a single store so that they behave consistently.

Why do we mention Redux when talking about reducers? Redux relies heavily on reducer functions that take the previous state and an action in order to execute the next state.

We’re going to focus squarely on reducers is in this post. Our goal is to get comfortable working with the reducer function so that we can see how it is used to update the state of an application — and ultimately understand the role they play in a state manager, like Redux.

What we mean by “state”

State changes are based on a user’s interaction, or even something like a network request. If the application’s state is managed by Redux, the changes happen inside a reducer function — this is the only place where state changes happen. The reducer function makes use of the initial state of the application and something called action, to determine what the new state will look like.

If we were in math class, we could say:

initial state + action = new state

In terms of an actual reducer function, that looks like this:

const contactReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  // Do something

Where do we get that initial state and action? Those are things we define.

The state parameter

The state parameter that gets passed to the reducer function has to be the current state of the application. In this case, we’re calling that our initialState because it will be the first (and current) state and nothing will precede it.

contactReducer(initialState, action)

Let’s say the initial state of our app is an empty list of contacts and our action is adding a new contact to the list.

const initialState = {
  contacts: []

That creates our initialState, which is equal to the state parameter we need for the reducer function.

The action parameter

An action is an object that contains two keys and their values. The state update that happens in the reducer is always dependent on the value of action.type. In this scenario, we are demonstrating what happens when the user tries to create a new contact. So, let’s define the action.type as NEW_CONTACT.

const action = {
  type: 'NEW_CONTACT',
  name: 'John Doe',
  location: 'Lagos Nigeria',
  email: 'johndoe@example.com'

There is typically a payload value that contains what the user is sending and would be used to update the state of the application. It is important to note that action.type is required, but action.payload is optional. Making use of payload brings a level of structure to how the action object looks like.

Updating state

The state is meant to be immutable, meaning it shouldn’t be changed directly. To create an updated state, we can make use of Object.assign or opt for the spread operator.


const contactReducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'NEW_CONTACT':
    return Object.assign({}, state, {
      contacts: [
      return state

In the above example, we made use of the Object.assign() to make sure that we do not change the state value directly. Instead, it allows us to return a new object which is filled with the state that is passed to it and the payload sent by the user.

To make use of Object.assign(), it is important that the first argument is an empty object. Passing the state as the first argument will cause it to be mutated, which is what we’re trying to avoid in order to keep things consistent.

The spread operator

The alternative to object.assign() is to make use of the spread operator, like so:

const contactReducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'NEW_CONTACT':
    return {
        ...state, contacts:
        [...state.contacts, action.payload]
      return state

This ensures that the incoming state stays intact as we append the new item to the bottom.

Working with a switch statement

Earlier, we noted that the update that happens depends on the value of action.type. The switch statement conditionally determines the kind of update we're dealing with, based on the value of the action.type.

That means that a typical reducer will look like this:

const addContact = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'NEW_CONTACT':
    return {
        ...state, contacts:
        [...state.contacts, action.payload]
    case 'UPDATE_CONTACT':
      return {
        // Handle contact update
    case 'DELETE_CONTACT':
      return {
        // Handle contact delete
      return {
        // Handle contact list
      return state

It’s important that we return state our default for when the value of action.type specified in the action object does not match what we have in the reducer — say, if for some unknown reason, the action looks like this:

const action = {
  type: 'UPDATE_USER_AGE',
  payload: {
    age: 19

Since we don’t have this kind of action type, we’ll want to return what we have in the state (the current state of the application) instead. All that means is we’re unsure of what the user is trying to achieve at the moment.

Putting everything together

Here’s a simple example of how I implemented the reducer function in React.

See the Pen
reducer example
by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote)
on CodePen.

You can see that I didn’t make use of Redux, but this is very much the same way Redux uses reducers to store and update state changes. The primary state update happens in the reducer function, and the value it returns sets the updated state of the application.

Want to give it a try? You can extend the reducer function to allow the user to update the age of a contact. I’d like to see what you come up with in the comment section!

Understanding the role that reducers play in Redux should give you a better understanding of what happens underneath the hood. If you are interested in reading more about using reducers in Redux, it’s worth checking out the official documentation.

The post Understanding How Reducers are Used in Redux appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Getting to Know the useReducer React Hook

useReducer is one of a handful of React hooks that shipped in React 16.7.0. It accepts a reducer function with the application initial state, returns the current application state, then dispatches a function.

Here is an example of how it is used;

const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);

What’s the good for? Well, think about any situation where having the first loaded state of the application might be nice. Let’s say the starting point on an interactive map. Maybe it’s an app that lets the user build a custom car with custom options from a default model. Here’s a pretty neat demo of a calculator app that puts useRedcuer to use in order to reset the calculator to a default state of zero when clearing it out.

See the Pen
Basic React Hook Calculator
by Gianpierangelo De Palma (@dpgian)
on CodePen.

We’re going to dig into a couple more examples in this post, but let’s first look at the hook itself to get a better idea of what it is and what exactly it does when it’s used.

The almighty reducer

It’s tough to talk about useState without also mentioning JavaScript’s reduce method. We linked it up at the very top, but Sarah’s post is an excellent overview of reducers and helps set the state for where we’re going here.

The first and most important thing to understand about a reducer is that it will always only return one value. The job of a reducer is to reduce. That one value can be a number, a string, an array or an object, but it will always only be one. Reducers are really great for a lot of things, but they're especially useful for applying a bit of logic to a group of values and ending up with another single result.

So, if we have an array of numbers, reduce will distill it down to a single number that adds up for as many times as there are values. Say we have this simple array:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3]

...and we have a function that logs each time our reducer makes a calculation into the console. This will help us see how reduce distills the array into a single number.

const reducer = function (tally, number) { 
	console.log(`Tally: ${tally}, Next number: ${number}, New Total: ${tally + number}`)
	return tally + number

Now let’s run a reducer on it. As we saw earlier, reduce takes dispatches a function that runs against a default state. Let’s plug our reducer function and an initial value of zero in there.

const total = numbers.reduce(reducer, 0)

Here’s what gets logged to the console:

"Tally: 0, Next number: 1, New Total: 1"
"Tally: 1, Next number: 2, New Total: 3"
"Tally: 3, Next number: 3, New Total: 6"

See how reduce takes an initial value and builds on it as each number in the array is added to it until we get a final value? In this case, that final value is 6.

I also really like this (modified) example from Dave Ceddia that shows how reduce can be used on an array of letters to spell a word:

var letters = ['r', 'e', 'd', 'u', 'c', 'e'];

// `reduce` takes 2 arguments:
//   - a function to do the reducing (you might say, a "reducer")
//   - an initial value for accumulatedResult
var word = letters.reduce(
	function(accumulatedResult, arrayItem) {
		return accumulatedResult + arrayItem;
''); // <-- notice this empty string argument: it's the initial value

console.log(word) // => "reduce"

useReducer works with states and actions

OK, that was a lot of refresher to get what we’re really talking about: userReducer. It’s important to get all this, though, because you may have noticed where we’re going now after having seen the way reduce fires a function against an initial value. It’s the same sort of concept, but returns two elements as an array, the current state and a dispatch function.

In other words:

const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);

What’s up with that third init argument? It’s an optional value that will lazily create the initial state. That means we can calculate the initial state/value with an init function outside of the reducer instead of providing an explicit value. That’s handy if the initial value could be different, say based on a last saved state instead of a consistent value.

To get it working, we need to do a few things:

  • Define an initial state.
  • Provide a function that contains actions that update the state.
  • Trigger userReducer to dispatch an updated state that’s calculated relative to the initial state.

The classic example of this a counter application. In fact, that’s what React’s docs use to drive the concept home. Here’s that put into practice:

See the Pen
React useReducer 1
by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote)
on CodePen.

It’s a good example because it demonstrates how an initial state (a zero value) is used to calculate a new value each time an action is fired by clicking either the increase or decrease button. We could even throw in a “Reset" button in there to clear the total back to the initial state of zero.

Example: A Car Customizer

See the Pen
React useReducer - car example
by Geoff Graham (@geoffgraham)
on CodePen.

In this example, we are making the assumption that the user has selected a car to purchase. However, we want the app to allow the user to add extra options to the car. Each option has a price that adds to the base total.

First, we need to create the initial state which will consist of the car, an empty array to keep track of features, and an additional price that starts at $26,395 and a list of items in the store, so the user can pick what they want.

const initialState = {
  additionalPrice: 0,
  car: {
    price: 26395,
    name: "2019 Ford Mustang",
    image: "https://cdn.motor1.com/images/mgl/0AN2V/s1/2019-ford-mustang-bullitt.jpg",
    features: []
  store: [
    { id: 1, name: "V-6 engine", price: 1500 },
    { id: 2, name: "Racing detail package", price: 1500 },
    { id: 3, name: "Premium sound system", price: 500 },
    { id: 4, name: "Rear spoiler", price: 250 }

Our reducer function will handle two things: the addition and removal of new items.

const reducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "REMOVE_ITEM":
      return {
        additionalPrice: state.additionalPrice - action.item.price,
        car: { ...state.car, features: state.car.features.filter((x) => x.id !== action.item.id)},
        store: [...state.store, action.item]
    case "BUY_ITEM":
      return {
        additionalPrice: state.additionalPrice + action.item.price,
        car: { ...state.car, features: [...state.car.features, action.item] },
        store: state.store.filter((x) => x.id !== action.item.id)
      return state;

When the user selects the item she wants, we update the features for the car, increase the additionalPrice and also remove the item from the store. We ensure that the other parts of the state remain as they are.
We do something similar when a user removes an item from the features list - reduce the additional price, return the item to the store.
Here is how the App component looks like.

const App = () => {
  const inputRef = useRef();
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
  const removeFeature = (item) => {
    dispatch({ type: 'REMOVE_ITEM', item });
  const buyItem = (item) => {
    dispatch({ type: 'BUY_ITEM', item })
  return (
      <div className="box">
        <figure className="image is-128x128">
          <img src={state.car.image} />
        <p>Amount: ${state.car.price}</p>
        <div className="content">
          <h6>Extra items you bought:</h6>
          {state.car.features.length ? 
              <ol type="1">
                {state.car.features.map((item) => (
                  <li key={item.id}>
                      onClick={() => removeFeature(item)}
            ) : <p>You can purchase items from the store.</p>
      <div className="box">
        <div className="content">
          {state.store.length ? 
            <ol type="1">
              {state.store.map((item) => (
                <li key={item.id}>\
                    onClick={() => buyItem(item)}
            ) : <p>No features</p>

        <div className="content">
          Total Amount: ${state.car.price + state.additionalPrice}

The actions that get dispatched contains the details of the selected item. We make use of the action type to determine how the reducer function will handle the updating of the state. You can see that the rendered view changes based on what you do - buying an item from the store removes the item from the store and adds it to the list of features. Also, the total amount gets updated. No doubt, there are some improvements that can be done to the application, this is only for learning purpose.

What about useState? Can’t we use that instead?

An astute reader may have been asking this all along. I mean, setState is generally the same thing, right? Return a stateful value and a function to re-render a component with that new value.

const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

We could have even used the useState() hook in the counter example provided by the React docs. However, useReducer is preferred in cases where state has to go through complicated transitions. Kent C. Dodds wrote up a explanation of the differences between the two and (while he often reaches for setState) he provides a good use case for using userReducer instead:

If your one element of your state relies on the value of another element of your state, then it's almost always best to use useReducer

For example, imagine you have a tic-tac-toe game you're writing. You have one element of state called squares which is just an array of all the squares and their value[.]

My rule of thumb is to reach for useReducer to handle complex states, particularly where the initial state is based on the state of other elements.

Oh wait, we already have Redux for this!

Those of you who have worked with Redux already know everything we’ve covered here and that’s because it was designed to use the Context API to pass stored states between components — without having to pass props through other components to get there.

So, does useReducer replace Redux? Nope. I mean, you can basically make your own Redux by using it with the useContext hook, but that’s doesn’t mean Redux is useless; Redux still has plenty of other features and benefits worth considering.

Where have you used userReducer? Have you found clear-cut cases where it’s better than setState? Maybe you can experiment with the things we covered here to build something. Here are a few ideas:

  • A calendar that focus at today’s date but allows a user to select other dates. Maybe even add a “Today" button that returns the user to today’s date.
  • You can try improving on the car example - have a list of cars that users can purchase. You might have to define this in the initial state, then the user can add extra features they want with a charge. These features can be predefined, or defined by the user.

The post Getting to Know the useReducer React Hook appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

An Illustrated (and Musical) Guide to Map, Reduce, and Filter Array Methods

Map, reduce, and filter are three very useful array methods in JavaScript that give developers a ton of power in a short amount of space. Let’s jump right into how you can leverage (and remember how to use!) these super handy methods.


Array.map() updates each individual value in a given array based on a provided transformation and returns a new array of the same size. It accepts a callback function as an argument, which it uses to apply the transform.

let newArray = oldArray.map((value, index, array) => {

A mnemonic to remember this is MAP: Morph Array Piece-by-Piece.

Instead of a for-each loop to go through and apply this transformation to each value, you can use a map. This works when you want to preserve each value, but update it. We’re not potentially eliminating any values (like we would with a filter), or calculating a new output (like we would use reduce for). A map lets you morph an array piece-by-piece. Let’s take a look at an example:

[1, 4, 6, 14, 32, 78].map(val => val * 10)
// the result is: [10, 40, 60, 140, 320, 780]

In the above example, we take an initial array ([1, 4, 6, 14, 32, 78]) and map each value in it to be that value times ten (val * 10). The result is a new array with each value of the original array transformed by the equation: [10, 40, 60, 140, 320, 780].

An illustration of the code examples covered in this section.


Array.filter() is a very handy shortcut when we have an array of values and want to filter those values into another array, where each value in the new array is a value that passes a specific test.

This works like a search filter. We’re filtering out values that pass the parameters we provide.

For example, if we have an array of numeric values, and want to filter them to just the values that are larger than 10, we could write:

[1, 4, 6, 14, 32, 78].filter(val => val > 10)
// the result is: [14, 32, 78]

If we were to use a map method on this array, such as in the example above, we would return an array of the same length as the original with val > 10 being the “transform," or a test in this case. We transform each of the original values to their answer if they are greater than 10. It would look like this:

[1, 4, 6, 14, 32, 78].map(val => val > 10)
// the result is: [false, false, false, true, true, true]

A filter, however, returns only the true values. So the result is smaller than the original array or the same size if all values pass a specific test.

Think about filter like a strainer-type-of-filter. Some of the mix will pass through into the result, but some will be left behind and discarded.

An illustration of a funnel with numbers going in the top and a few coming out of the bottom next to a handwritten version of the code covered in this section.

Say we have a (very small) class of four dogs in obedience school. All of the dogs had challenges throughout obedience school and took a graded final exam. We’ll represent the doggies as an array of objects, i.e.:

const students = [
    name: "Boops",
    finalGrade: 80
    name: "Kitten",
    finalGrade: 45
    name: "Taco",
    finalGrade: 100
    name: "Lucy",
    finalGrade: 60

If the dogs get a score higher than 70 on their final test, they get a fancy certificate; and if they don’t, they’ll need to take the course again. In order to know how many certificates to print, we need to write a method that will return the dogs with passing grades. Instead of writing out a loop to test each object in the array, we can shorten our code with filter!

const passingDogs = students.filter((student) => {
  return student.finalGrade >= 70

passingDogs = [
    name: "Boops",
    finalGrade: 80
    name: "Taco",
    finalGrade: 100

As you can see, Boops and Taco are good dogs (actually, all dogs are good dogs), so Boops and Taco are getting certificates of achievement for passing the course! We can write this in a single line of code with our lovely implicit returns and then remove the parenthesis from our arrow function since we have single argument:

const passingDogs = students.filter(student => student.finalGrade >= 70)

passingDogs = [
    name: "Boops",
    finalGrade: 80
    name: "Taco",
    finalGrade: 100


The reduce() method takes the input values of an array and returns a single value. This one is really interesting. Reduce accepts a callback function which consists of an accumulator (a value that accumulates each piece of the array, growing like a snowball), the value itself, and the index. It also takes a starting value as a second argument:

let finalVal = oldArray.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array) => {
}), initalValue;
An illustration of a saucepan cooking ingredients next to handwritten code from the examples covered in this section.

Let’s set up a cook function and a list of ingredients:

// our list of ingredients in an array
const ingredients = ['wine', 'tomato', 'onion', 'mushroom']

// a cooking function
const cook = (ingredient) => {
    return `cooked ${ingredient}`

If we want to reduce the items into a sauce (pun absolutely intended), we’ll reduce them with reduce()!

const wineReduction = ingredients.reduce((sauce, item) => {
  return sauce += cook(item) + ', '
  }, '')
// wineReduction = "cooked wine, cooked tomato, cooked onion, cooked mushroom, "

That initial value ('' in our case) is important because if we don’t have it, we don’t cook the first item. It makes our output a little wonky, so it’s definitely something to watch out for. Here’s what I mean:

const wineReduction = ingredients.reduce((sauce, item) => {
  return sauce += cook(item) + ', '
// wineReduction = "winecooked tomato, cooked onion, cooked mushroom, "

Finally, to make sure we don’t have any excess spaces at the end of our new string, we can pass in the index and the array to apply our transformation:

const wineReduction = ingredients.reduce((sauce, item, index, array) => {
  sauce += cook(item)
  if (index < array.length - 1) {
        sauce += ', '
        return sauce
  }, '')
// wineReduction = "cooked wine, cooked tomato, cooked onion, cooked mushroom"

Now we can write this even more concisely (in a single line!) using ternary operators, string templates, and implicit returns:

const wineReduction = ingredients.reduce((sauce, item, index, array) => {
  return (index < array.length - 1) ? sauce += `${cook(item)}, ` : sauce += `${cook(item)}`
}, '')

// wineReduction = "cooked wine, cooked tomato, cooked onion, cooked mushroom"

A little way to remember this is to recall how you make sauce: you reduce a few ingredients down to a single item.

Sing it with me!

I wanted to end this blog post with a song, so I wrote a little diddy about array methods that might just help you to remember them:

The post An Illustrated (and Musical) Guide to Map, Reduce, and Filter Array Methods appeared first on CSS-Tricks.