Mule 4 Custom HTTP Radis Cache Policy


The HTTP Custom Caching policy enables you to store HTTP responses from an API implementation or an API proxy for reuse. To optimize against computation-heavy processing, this policy avoids performing multiple calls to the backend when the response of a service does not change often. This policy uses a cache, which enables a faster service for data requests.

In Mule 4, Mulesoft already provides an HTTP cache policy, which is available out of the box with standard configuration and works very well with runtime object-store v2. If an existing out-of-the-box policy is available then why do we need a custom policy?

Database Caching With Redis and Java

Why Is Database Caching so Important?

The more information you have in a database, the slower it will become over time. Even database management systems that are well-designed to support many concurrent requests will eventually hit their limit.

Database caching is one of the most common strategies for dealing with these performance issues. Caching involves saving the results of database queries in a location that is faster and easier to access. When done correctly, caching will slash query response times, decrease the load on your databases, and cut costs.