Getting started with Apache Kafka and Red Hat service registry

New projects require some help. Imagine you are getting ready to start that new feature your business has been asking for the last couple of months. Your team is ready to start coding to implement the new awesome thing that would change your business.

To achieve it, the team will need to interact with the current existing software components of your organization. Your developers will need to interact with API services and event endpoints already available in your architecture. Before being able to send and process information, developers need to be aware of the structure or schema expected by those services.

Perform Remote Caches With JBoss Fuse and Red Hat Data Grid

Nowadays, the reality of companies demands even more integration between different technologies, working together, changing, and processing data. In this ecosystem, the use of an integration platform is essential. Still, the use of an in-memory database is necessary for a significant gain in information processing performance. In this article, we will demonstrate the use of the JBoss Fuse integration platform, in conjunction with the In-memory database named  Red Hat Data Grid.

JBoss Fuse is an integration platform based on the framework Apache Camel. It focuses on mediation, transformation, and data routing among many applications, services, and devices.