You Are Bad at Hiring Good Engineers

I have never asked a puzzle or a trick question to find some obscure algorithmic approach. It had always been instead asking to come up with design solutions and creative implementation for real-world problems.

But when I got to the other side as a candidate, I have never been lucky — not even once. It’s always some shitty puzzle or a whiteboarding exercise about some obscure algo that no one does on a typical day job. The software industry has a long way to go to be even considered “mature”.

Does the Tech Talent Gap Actually Exist?

Today, every company heavily relies on tech talent to create, market, and distribute. However, many companies are unable to satisfy their growing need for this talent. Recently there has been an ongoing complaint regarding a “tech talent gap” across the country.

What's more, many companies have been using this alleged inadequacy in talent as a reason to justify outsourcing, H-1B visas, and other extreme measures. Apparently, the demand for talent continues outstripping supply. However, does this “tech talent gap” actually exist?