IBM App Connect Enterprise: Record and Replay [video]

In this video, we demonstrate a capability in IBM App Connect Enterprise called record and replay, which enables you to keep an audit record of messages that pass through message flows deployed to integration servers.

You may need to record messages to keep a history of messages for development and test purposes, or to help in problem determination.

How to Choose The Right Automation Testing Tool

So many choices...

Test automation is gradually taking over manual testing as it saves time and improves the quality of testing. Especially in the case of regression testing, automation can improve efficiency by manifold. It is a waste of time and resources to do repetitive testing manually. Also, there is a scope for an error as repetitive testing can be exhausting but the chances of errors occurring in automation are slim. But what is automation testing? In simple terms,  automation testing is replacing manual human activity with a system that performs test cases by repeating predefined actions. To get the most out of automation it is necessary to select the right automation testing tool.