Impact of Deep Learning on Personalization

Machine learning-based personalization has gained traction over the years due to volume in the amount of data across sources and the velocity at which consumers and organizations generate new data. Traditional ways of personalization focused on deriving business rules using techniques like segmentation, which often did not address a customer uniquely. Recent progress in specialized hardware (read GPUs and cloud computing) and a burgeoning ML and DL toolkits enable us to develop 1:1 customer personalization which scales.

Recommender systems are beneficial to both service providers and users. They reduce transaction costs of finding and selecting items in an online shopping environment and improves customer experience. Recommendation systems have also proved to improve the decision making process and quality. In an e-commerce setting, for example, recommender systems enhance revenues, for the fact that they are effective means of selling more products. In scientific libraries, recommender systems support users by allowing them to move beyond catalog searches. Therefore, the need to use efficient and accurate recommendation techniques within a system that will provide relevant and dependable recommendations for users cannot be over-emphasized.

Is It Worth It? ROI of Recommender Systems

Netflix recommender system

Recommender systems promise to reduce churn and increase sales. But how do you measure their actual success? What is it that you should measure? And what challenges should you look out for when you’re building your recommendation engine? In this article, I’ll discuss some challenges of recommendation engines, the ROI, and standard metrics to help evaluate their performance.

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Challenges of Recommender Systems

Most articles about recommendation engines focus on all the bright sides of recommendations: personalized customer experience, lower churn, increase in sales, and more revenue. While all of that is true, as we can see looking at the examples of numerous companies including Amazon, adopting a new technology requires a strategic approach — so you should be realistic and well-prepared and not only optimistic about the future outcomes. There are some challenges that you have to be aware of.