WebFlux: Reactive Programming With Spring, Part 3

This is the third part of my blog series on reactive programming, which will give an introduction to WebFlux — Spring’s reactive web framework.

1. An Introduction to Spring Webflux

The original web framework for Spring — Spring Web MVC — was built for the Servlet API and Servlet containers.

Spring2quarkus — Spring Boot to Quarkus Migration

Time to boot up your Spring with Quarkus. 

Recently the "fattest" of my Spring Boot based microservices became too big. The entire project was hosted on the AWS EC2 environment and the instances used were t2.micro or t3.micro. The service started to get down very often even with minimum load on it. The obvious option was to choose a bigger instance for the service (t3.small) which I did initially.

This Week in Spring: Releases, Podcasts, Debugging, and More

Hi, Spring fans, and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I’m in New York City for the Kafka Summit where I’ll be joining the excellent Tim Berglund, head of developer experience at Confluent, and James Watters, SVP at Pivotal, to talk about why Pivotal and Confluent are better together. Join us! Then, next week it’s off to South Africa (for the SpringOne Tour shows in Capetown and Johannesburg), and then, it’s off again to Mauritius for the DevConf. If you’re in any of those places, don’t hesitate to say hi!.

LTR: Confluent co-founder Jay Kreps, Tim Berglund, me, and Pivotal SVP James Watters