Protecting Your React.js Source Code With Jscrambler

React.js is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. The 2019 "State of JavaScript" survey puts React as the front-end framework of choice, with 72% of responders stating that they have used it and would use again.

With its elegant programming style, rich package ecosystem and good documentation, React has found its way into powering the applications of large enterprises. Specifically, the developer survey found that 18% of responders who are using React work for companies with over 1000 employees.

10 Famous Apps Using React.js

Front-end development is continuously increasing by adding new tools released daily. There are several libraries and frameworks available online, and choosing one from them is quite difficult. Talking about front-end development, Angular was the default choice for many business owners, but the time has changed, and React.js is breaking records in the web development market.

What Is React?

Do you remember how Facebook and Messenger looked a few ago? You needed to refresh the entire page for new updates. But with React.js, a popup message will appear, and clicking on that will help you update automatically. As a React.js web development company, we can define React.js as one of the powerful and reliable cross-platform tools used by top companies to develop mobile applications. It mainly uses JavaScript with JSX, ES6, and major updates to JavaScript including dozens of newly added features. 

React Web Development: A Guide to Develop Progressive Web Applications

Build progressive web applications in minutes

Progressive web applications (PWAs) quickly gained popularity because they are web performance applications based on fast performance, streamlined to provide a mobile app-like experience. PWAs are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a level of availability and performance equivalent to that of native mobile applications. They respond quickly, consume less data, store more space, and support push notifications and offline use in the browser.

Building a progressive web application has now become the web development trend that every business wants to follow. Significant players like Twitter and Flipboard have recently rolled out their progressive web apps to provide a mobile experience for users, without requiring them to install the app. In this article, you will learn how to build a progressive web application using React. Let's get started.