Turning Your Raspberry Pi Into a Science Research Station Via BOINC

Use your computing power for the greater good...

BOINC lets you help cutting-edge science research using your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux) or Android device. BOINC downloads scientific computing jobs to your computer and runs them invisibly in the background. It’s easy and safe, you can check it out here.

This is the entry paragraph on the Berkely University BOINC website: "The BOINC software, short for Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, can also be installed on Raspberry Pis, making your Raspberry Pi your own little science research station. This way, you can help science projects such as SETI@home, Einstein@Home, Universe@Home, and many more."

Read GPS Data With a Raspberry Pi Zero W and Node.js

The Raspberry Pi is an awesome piece of Internet of Things (IoT) hardware and when equipped with the correct modules, it can do powerful things with minimal effort. Take GPS for example. You can pick up a NEO 6M GPS module or similar for roughly the same price of a Raspberry Pi, read position information, and reverse geocode that information to address estimates.

In this tutorial, we’re going to see how to hook up a GPS module to a Raspberry Pi Zero W, read the data over the serial port connection, and send it to HERE in exchange for human-readable addresses. We’re going to do all this with just a few lines of Node.js and JavaScript.

Contributing an IoT LoRaWAN Raspberry Pi RAK831 Gateway to the Things Network

LoRa and LoRaWAN are getting the de-facto wireless IoT network in my area. It's no surprise that traditional telecom providers like Swisscom try to monetize the IoT sector. Luckily, there is an open and free alternative: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/. Volunteers, enthusiasts, and members in the different TTN communities build gateways and offer free LoRaWAN network access. I wanted to contribute to that grassroots movement with building my gateway, providing LoRaWAN access to my neighborhood.

LoRaWAN TheThingsNetwork Gateway

Firebase ML Kit: Build a Face Features-Detecting App With Face Detection API and Android Things

This article describes how to build a face features detecting app using the face detection API (Firebase ML Kit) and Android Things. The idea of this article comes from the Google project called “Android Things expression flower." This project idea is detecting face characteristics (or face classification) using machine vision based on Firebase ML Kit. Moreover, this project displays the face characteristics using an LCD display and some emoticons.

To build this project, you will need: