Building Custom Applications Using Rapid Application Development (RAD)

The traditional waterfall model of software development often proves to be a buttoned-down and inflexible approach. Over the years, developers have realized that the waterfall model’s strict planning routine makes it difficult to maintain client timelines and incorporate their feedback. Hence, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model was introduced.

RAD (Rapid Application Development) not only removes the shortcomings of earlier methodologies of software development but also enhances the flexibility and agility of your development processes.

What Is Rapid Application Development (RAD)?

Learn how to be RAD with Rapid Application Development

In the case of you're searching out a quicker method of application improvement, you'll want to select something other than the Waterfall method, which requires sticking to a planned agenda and doesn't allow for non-stop iterations. That means you'll grow to be restarting the improvement from the beginning each time the customer indicates adjustments.

What Is Rapid Application Improvement, and What Are Its Blessings?

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a shape of an agile software improvement method that prioritizes speedy prototype discharges and emphasis. In contrast to the Waterfall method, RAD emphasizes using software programs and user comments over strict making plans and necessities recording.