Micronaut: Rapid Development With MicrostarterCLI

MicrostarterCLI is a rapid development tool for Micronaut applications. It helps you as a developer to generate standard reusable codes, configurations, or patterns as you need in your application. 

Application Description

In this article, we will develop an ArabicNames service that has REST and GraphQL endpoints. To begin with the development, we will generate a Micronaut application project from Micronaut Launch. Then, we will use MicrostarterCLI to develop the following: 

Building Custom Applications Using Rapid Application Development (RAD)

The traditional waterfall model of software development often proves to be a buttoned-down and inflexible approach. Over the years, developers have realized that the waterfall model’s strict planning routine makes it difficult to maintain client timelines and incorporate their feedback. Hence, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model was introduced.

RAD (Rapid Application Development) not only removes the shortcomings of earlier methodologies of software development but also enhances the flexibility and agility of your development processes.