From Zookeeper to Raft: HA and Fault-Tolerance


Alluxio implements a virtual distributed file system that allows accessing independent large data stores with compute engines like Hadoop or Spark through a single interface. Within an Alluxio cluster, the Alluxio master is responsible for coordinating and keeping access to the underlying data stores or filesystems (UFS for short) consistent. The master contains a global snapshot of filesystem metadata, and when a client wants to read or modify a file, it first contacts the master. Given its central role in the system, the master must be fault-tolerant, highly available, strongly consistent, and fast. This blog will discuss the evolution of the Alluxio master from a complex multi-component system using Zookeeper to a simpler and more efficient one using Raft.

The operation of a file system can be thought of as a sequence of commands performed on the system (e.g., create/delete/read/write). Executing these commands one at a time in a single thread gives us a sequential specification for our file system that is easy to reason about and to implement applications on top of. While this sequential specification is simple, the actual implementation of Alluxio’s virtual distributed file system consists of many moving parts all executing concurrently: the master who coordinates the system, the workers who store the file data and act as a cache between the client and the UFS, the UFSs themselves, and the clients who, at the direction of the master, access all other parts of the system. Again here, we may want to reason about each of these individual components as a sequential thread executing one operation at a time, but in reality, they are running complex systems themselves. 

Raft in Tarantool: How It Works and How to Use It

Last year, we introduced synchronous replication in Tarantool. We followed the Raft algorithm in the process. The task consisted of two major phases: so-called quorum writing (i.e., synchronous replication) and automated leader election.

Synchronous replication was first introduced in release 2.5.1, while release 2.6.1 brought the support of Raft-based automated leader election.

Parallel Commits: An Atomic Commit Protocol for Distributed Transactions

Distributed ACID transactions form the beating heart of CockroachDB. They allow users to manipulate all of their data transactionally, no matter where it physically resides.

They're so important to CockroachDB’s goal to “Make Data Easy” that we spend a lot of time thinking about how to make them as fast as possible. Specifically, CockroachDB specializes in globally distributed deployments, so we put a lot of effort into optimizing CockroachDB’s transaction protocol for clusters with high inter-node latencies.

Atomic Replication Changes in etcd/Raft

At Cockroach Labs, we write quite a bit about consensus algorithms. They are a critical component of CockroachDB and we rely on them in the lower layers of our transactional, scalable, distributed key-value store. In fact, large clusters can contain tens of thousands of consensus groups because in CockroachDB, every Range (similar to a shard) is an independent consensus group. Under the hood, we run a large number of instances of Raft (a consensus algorithm), which has come with interesting engineering challenges. This post dives into one that we’ve tackled recently: adding support for atomic replication changes (“Joint Quorums”) to etcd/raft and using them in CockroachDB to improve resilience against region failures.

A replication change is a configuration change of a Range, that is, a change in where the consistent copies of that Range should be stored. Let’s use a standard deployment topology to illustrate this.