Developer Quickstart: PHP and MariaDB

The PHP programming language has long been considered a fairly light and simple solution for developers to use to create robust and creative web applications. In fact, that’s as true now as it has ever been as past few versions of PHP have made the language more appealing than ever.

Like many other languages, PHP has the ability to take advantage of the power of MariaDB, and it’s actually a pretty simple and straightforward process.

Using JSON in MariaDB

I’m willing to bet that if you’re reading this article you’ve at least heard of MariaDB. Heck, maybe you’ve even used it at some point. But, if not, I highly recommend that you give it a quick glance as, at the highest level, it’s a pretty solid, free (yea, free) open-source database solution that you can use for anything from some lightweight tinkering to supporting fully-fledged, production-grade applications.

Tip: If you'd like to jump right into a MariaDB database and use the same dataset in this article be sure to check out this MariaDB JSON Quickstart Guide!

Learn Quarkus faster with quick starts in the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift

Java developers are usually required to take many actions before we can begin developing and deploying cloud-native microservices on Kubernetes. First, we have to configure everything from the integrated development environment (IDE) to build tools such as Maven or Gradle. We also need to configure the command-line tools used for containerization and generating the Kubernetes manifest. If we don’t want to spin up a Kubernetes cluster locally, we also must connect to a remote Kubernetes cluster for continuous testing and deployment.

Developers should spend less time on configuration and more time accelerating the inner-loop development cycle of building, testing, and deploying our applications. Ideally, we should be able to continuously develop applications in a pre-configured Kubernetes environment.

5 Ways to Get an Oracle Database

Do you want to get your hands on an Oracle Database but don't know how? Here are five ways to get you going.


Do you just want to type some awesome SQL and need a database to do so? Then is your friend. LiveSQL is a browser-based SQL scratchpad that not only allows you to pull off some SQL magic but also to save and share your scripts with others. It also comes with a comprehensive library of tutorials and samples. LiveSQL is the best place for anybody that is completely unfamiliar with Oracle Database and wants to get going.

Quickstart: How to Use Redis on Java

If you want to use Java with Redis, you'll need to do a little tinkering in order to make both technologies work with each other. This quickstart guide will walk you through everything you need to use Redis on Java.

1. Run Redis

To get up and running quickly with Redis, you can consult this Redis Quick Start guide. The basic steps you'll need to follow are: