Quarkus vs Spring Boot – Performance

In this article, we are going to compare the Quarkus and Spring Boot applications and how they behave in terms of memory management.

To be fair in comparison to both the applications, we will go with a standard set of dependencies. Both the application will include Spring Web dependencies only. They will be build using maven tool and jar files will be created. Both the application will have similar REST Endpoints.

Openshift and AWS Lambda Deployment With Quarkus

Nowadays Quarkus known as SUPERSONIC SUBATOMIC JAVA. It provides a lot of features to facilitate build and deployment. To did my best by creating a small blog application with quarkus with installed features: rest-client, security, spring-data-jpa, smallrye-health and openapi, Kubernetes, and AWS deployment to tried it real.


  • JDK 11 for running app
  • Gradle 6+ — for packaging
  • Docker
  • OpenShift CLI — for deploying on OpenShift
  • AWS CLI, AWS SAM CLI — for deploying AWS Lambda


Quarkus provides extensions for building (and pushing) container images. Currently, it supports Jib, S2I, Docker.


An expert developer walks us through using Quarkus, an open source Kubernetes-native Java stack, which allows us to make smaller, faster Java programs, and that integrates well with Eclipse MicroProfile.