What is DevOps?

DevOps is a mix of Development and Operations that combines people from a distributed stack and tools used to create efficient applications with the development process to enable faster delivery of quality products.

By bringing together the people, tools, and processes, DevOps enables rapid development and delivery with a scope of incremental features added to the product.

Flip on the Testing Switch for Ops-DevOps Engineers

If you are an operations or infrastructure type engineer, testing may mean traditional “QA”, UAT, or the newer test automation. An alternate way to think about tests is that you are asking a question about the software or infrastructure. The question is open-ended — there is no definitive answer. What will happen when the instance runs out of disk space? It will trigger an alert. Will it? For example, why did the bedroom alarm clock not ring on the day of your important meeting? If the alert is triggered, will the people who are paged know how to respond? If we have a separate operations team, will they understand the application to troubleshoot the alert? What are the different situations for when the instance can run out of space? Let’s call these type of questions tests.

There is another type of question for which we know the outcome. I verify that the new instance of WordPress is working by logging into the application using the username, ‘admin’, and the password, ‘password’. I could use different types of usernames and passwords. I could maybe try different lengths of strings and different characters. When you know the outcome of the question, we can call these checks.

Do Software Testers Actually Improve Software Quality?

What is the relationship between software testers and software quality?

You may also like: Software Testing Tutorial: How to Perform Testing

Do Testers Improve Quality, Help Improve Quality, or Only Pass Info to Others Who Do So?

Lately, I’ve been closely following a super interesting Twitter discussion about whether or not testers improve software quality. Yes, we find the bugs, but are we just the messengers? Or are we active participants in the construction of great digital products?

Mobile DevOps Metrics that Matter

Creating a secure DevOps culture helps companies accelerate mobile app release cycles and securely deliver the new features and capabilities that users crave. Automating the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CD/CD) pipeline speeds time to market to meet the demands of the business.

But app store ratings and reviews aren't the only important measures of performance. As more NowSecure customers embark on the journey to DevOps, they increasingly focus on a few key performance indicators.

Beyond the Hype: Setting Realistic DevOps Expectations

Over recent years, the perceived need for brand new tools that can provide customers with faster agile and DevOps application delivery has increased on an unprecedented scale. Despite the fact that the idea of going faster and how DevOps can aid this isn’t new, businesses are eager to prove to their customers that they can produce results with DevOps. In the competitive landscape that organizations now have to navigate, being able to provide customers with improved delivery can help them stay ahead of the game.

With the introduction of tools for automation, requirements management, and deployment, businesses are claiming that they are providing a faster and better service to customers than ever before – a result of DevOps. But the experts have a different opinion and argue that, if they are not being utilized properly, the tools might not work as expected.