What Is Test Scenario?

What Is a Test Scenario?

A Test Scenario is any user that can be tested. Test Scenario is also known as Test Possibility or Test Condition. As an analyst, you should put yourself in the shoes of the end client and sort out the current actual situation while using examples of the Application under Test.

What Is Scenario Testing?

In programming testing, situation testing refers to an approach that uses real-world scenarios rather than experiments to test a product's applicability. Situation testing is used to test a product's complicated issues from beginning to end. Situations make it easier to test and evaluate complicated problems from beginning to end.

11 Core Reasons Why Software Testing Has a Better Future than Development

Even though there is a long-running debate on which one amongst these two holds a better future, it seems that tests hold great possibilities. There has been always been a conflict between the two prevailing roads in software science – software tests and software development. Persons

are time and again left confused while choosing either of them for their profession. The reason; there are several misconceptions on both these career choices that over weigh one another.

Optimizing the Role of QA in Continuous Delivery

Software development space is quickly evolving, bringing in more agility and accessibility. For a long time, software testing posed a significant challenge for engineers. It used to be a tedious affair and used to begin after the completion of development. The testers had to build test cases manually. As a result, it could delay the launch of the application.

Apart from actual production and post-production issues, the usability and tracking of the application stage became difficult. It led to chaos at all stages.

5 Great Ways To Achieve Complete Automation With AI and ML


Automation in the testing domain has evolved a lot when it comes to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning specifically. Self-driven cars, bots, and the famous Amazon-owned product, Alexa are some of the basic examples of how AL and ML have influenced our lives and day-to-day activities. With updated application software and devices making users' lives easier than ever, emphasis on the demand for product quality for users has increased. Customers are becoming intolerant to product defects with the number of alternatives available to them to switch in the market. The statistics mentioned below are true when talking about the loyalty a customer can portray for a particular product or service for a company.

"91% of non-complainers just leave and 13% of them tell 15 more people about their bad experience for a product." 

Beyond Whack-A-Bug: From Reactive to Proactive E2E Testing

Of all of the classic arcade games, Whack-A-Mole just might be the most frustrating. You can’t win the game of Whack-A-Mole. Every time you think you’ve hit the mole, the little scoundrel always finds a way to pop up again somewhere else, and you’re always one step behind. 

In the world of end-to-end testing, we can get stuck playing Whack-A-Bug when we reactively write tests to bugs that pop up in production in order to prevent them from appearing again. I like to call this practice Whack-A-Bug testing because it’s a common approach, yet can easily become an endless cycle in which testers are always one step behind. As leaders in our organizations, we must instead figure out how to be one step ahead, committing to developing more courageous, forward-thinking E2E testing strategies.

The Pulse of QA: How Healthy are QA Organizations in 2019?

Product quality is more important to the success of businesses than ever before. In a software market flooded with an ever-increasing pool of options, businesses, and consumers alike demand high-quality, delightful experiences from the platforms and applications they use daily.

In this market, getting QA right is essential. For the 2019 QA Health Survey, we polled over 250 software professionals to get a sense of how healthy quality organizations are right now. Read on to see some of our key findings, and to download the full results of the survey.