Test Case vs. Test Scenario: Key Differences to Note for Software Developers

Test cases and test scenarios are two of the most common test artifacts: both are documentation produced by the software development team in order to track progress on a project. 

With the current shift away from the Waterfall method of software development and towards Agile testing, it is important to understand the differences between test cases and test scenarios. But it is also important to note that the methods are most valuable when used together appropriately.

How Agile Teams Automate Their Tests

Test automation is a vital part of agile development. Serving as a force that helps to maximize QA procedures, an agile project with no automation can be conveniently referred to as a waterfall project in phases. In this article, we examine the importance of agile test automation in agile methodologies. 

Software Testing for Agile Teams and Why It Matters

Agile testing is a continuous software testing process that follows all the principles of agile software development. This methodology has dominated the software testing industry in the last few years. Companies moved from waterfall testing to agile testing to promote the software life cycle’s continuous iteration. 

The Pulse of QA: How Healthy are QA Organizations in 2019?

Product quality is more important to the success of businesses than ever before. In a software market flooded with an ever-increasing pool of options, businesses, and consumers alike demand high-quality, delightful experiences from the platforms and applications they use daily.

In this market, getting QA right is essential. For the 2019 QA Health Survey, we polled over 250 software professionals to get a sense of how healthy quality organizations are right now. Read on to see some of our key findings, and to download the full results of the survey.