Dedicated Team VS Outstaffing: Which Model Is Best?

Whether it is a large company daring to start its digitalization journey or a small startup aiming at building the next big thing, all of them often face the same challenge — the shortage of skilled IT workers. As recruiting is a tedious process, not every business is ready to play this game.

There is a way out. Both outstaffing and dedicated team models are aimed at expanding a companies’ development and QA team without having to hire staff directly, thus making the lives of business owners much more comfortable. The question remains — which model fits your project best?

Software Unit Testing: What Is That? Why Is it Important?

Software Unit Testing: What Is It? Why Is It Important?

It is hard to overestimate the importance of software quality. A single error can have a huge negative impact on your entire business. If bug issues are not addressed efficiently, it may result in everything from an endless cycle of fixes to a destroyed reputation of your company. Effective testing strategies help to minimize such risks by ensuring the quality of the released product. There are many testing practices you can choose to build a great software solution. One of the basic but effective testing techniques to make sure that your product works properly is called unit testing.

What Is Unit Testing and What Are the Unit Testing Frameworks?

Unit testing (sometimes called module testing or component testing) is a technique for testing the smallest testable component of your code (unit) to ensure that it performs as intended. The basic feature of unit testing is the isolation – a unit test only performs a specific function and excludes all external influences, such as dependencies between units, calls to other functions, etc The unit testing process can be done manually, but developers usually use unit testing tools to facilitate the process, so they can focus on more complex tasks such as defining the test cases.

Top 6 New Programming Languages Born in the Last Decade

When it comes to programming languages, progress does not standstill. While the most influential ones like Python, C, Java were created a long time ago, new valuable coding languages appear all the time. In many use cases, it is the new programming language that is driving innovations and helps build truly amazing software. Let’s look at the most promising ones that were born in the last decade.

What Is Rust Programming Language?

Rust is a system programming language, created by Mozilla, which was announced in 2010. Rust is positioned as an incredibly fast language, that prevents memory violations and guarantees thread safety. Rust is syntactically similar to C ++ and in terms of speed, it can be compared to C or C ++. This means that the applications written in Rust can be just as fast as those written in C or C ++ and faster than those written in other dynamic languages. 

What Is Test-Driven Development and Why It’s Important

One of the most essential steps of any software development project is testing. If this process is skipped, the results may be disastrous – both for the project and for the company. But when should software undergo testing? It seems logical to test the project when it is completed. However, the power of the classic test procedure is limited. Overengineering, rigid design, testability issues – are just a few problems you may face if you write the code first and test the implementation later. Luckily, there is a way to tackle such challenges and it is called – Test-driven development.

You may also like: A Test-Driven Approach to App Development: The Main Benefits for Your Business

What Is Agile Process in Testing: A Short Guide

In today’s fast-paced software world, quick delivery of the product is often not an option but a necessity. Building software also requires a high level of flexibility in responding to the constantly changing market trends and customers’ demands. The problem is that with traditional project management, a quick change of plans inevitably leads to higher costs or longer project duration. Luckily there are agile methods that allow us to avoid such pitfalls. This refers not only to software development but also to testing processes.

What Is Agile Testing?

Agile in software development is an approach that focuses on the people performing their work and their cooperation aimed at delivering the right product to the customer. It is an iterative development process that creates requirements through constant collaboration between the client and cross-functional self-organizing teams. Agile testing is a practice that follows the rules of agile development and helps create solutions tailored to customer needs.

Squashed Bugs, Served Hot and Fresh With Failure Rate Heatmaps

Learn how to squash bugs!

To err is human; to introduce bugs is to be a developer, and to debug is part of everyday life. Debugging is not just about the fix — sometimes it's the drudgery of trying to locate the root cause that kills passion, especially when you have thousands or even millions of lines of code. A former Oracle database developer, who helped maintain Oracle v12.2 and its 25 million lines of C code, described his struggling life with bugs this way:

  • Spend weeks trying to understand the 20 different flags that interact in mysterious ways to cause a bug.
  • Find out that his fix causes 100~1000 failed tests.
  • Randomly pick some of the tests and dive into the code again. It seems 10 more flags are related to this bug.
  • Finally, after a few weeks or months, get the combination of flags right and succeed with zero failing tests.

He was frustrated with the situation, and this is something we want to avoid in our projects!

Important Software Testing Documentation: SRS, FRS and BRS

SRS, BRS, and FRS play important roles in designing software.

Professionals working in software development and testing have to deal with specific kinds of requirement specifications when tackling a new product. Accurate and clear requirements are needed for a software development team to work on the creation of the right product, and this documentation makes the overall development process easier.

You may also enjoy:  How to Write the System Requirements Specification for Software Development 

5 Takeaways From the 2019 State of Testing Report

The State of Testing report’s 6th edition is now live, and it is packed with interesting trends and insights from the software testing community.

The State of Testing is the largest testing survey worldwide, with over 1,000 participants from over 80 countries. Created by PractiTest and Tea Time with Testers, the report aims to shed light on the most important trends in the software testing community, and grant testers the ability to better understand their professional status relative to other testers and companies worldwide.

Why Cloud and DevOps Succeed Together

Businesses are continuously striving to bring high availability to customers with unmatched application performance, little to zero downtime, and seamless multi-channel experience. Moving to the cloud is one way to achieve these goals. However, even moving to the cloud is not a foolproof survival strategy. They still need agility, cost-savings, and better performance for millions of connected devices. The development and cloud operations must go hand-in-hand to make the most of cloud platforms. Companies missing DevOps on cloud operations or development are not reaping the promises of using cloud platforms.

Cloud and DevOps Are Better Off Together

First, using DevOps engineering (developers and QA teams) can work with the operations team employing a cloud platform. Developers can quickly set up new environments without the help of IT operations. Meanwhile, IT operations can investigate other operations of infrastructure costs, enabling security and dynamics. Cloud is the common language here and thus, connects two different teams.

How Code Reviewing Can Help With Quality Assurance

Being in the software industry you may have often heard the term code review. However, the concept of code reviewing is often misunderstood. Often it is overlooked in the software development lifecycle as people feel performing testing should suffice the validation process. And so, they tend to turn a blind eye towards the code reviewing process. However, neglecting code reviewing process could bounce back with major consequences to deal with. We also have a misconception that the code reviewing process is a responsibility for the development team alone. It is not! Code reviewing is a process that should involve not only developers, but QAs and product managers, too. This article is my attempt to help you realize the importance of code review and how as QA, you should be participating in it. We will also look into code review best practices and code review checklist for automation testing using Selenium WebDriver.

What Is Code Review And Its Objective?

Code reviewing is a practice where the source code is broken into small pieces, which are inspected by the supervisors or seniors in the team to be carried out just before testing. It is a process mostly followed in Agile methodology.