Learn TensorFlow: Vectors


TensorFlow is an open-source library that was developed by the Google Brain team, and it was released in November 2015. Before working with TensorFlow, we need to understand the following basic concepts:

  • Graph: Layout of the learning process. It does not include data.
  • Data: Examples that are used to train. It has two kinds, which are inputs and targets.
  • Session: Where we feed the graph with data or Session = Graph + Data. We can do this by using placeholders — gates to introduce examples.

We can install Anaconda to use TensorFlow.

Boto3: Amazon S3 as Python Object Store

Use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) as an object store to manage Python data structures.


Amazon S3 is extensively used as a file storage system to store and share files across the internet. Amazon S3 can be used to store any type of objects, it is a simple key-value store. It can be used to store objects created in any programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, etc. AWS DynamoDB recommends using S3 to store large items of size more than 400KB. This article focuses on using S3 as an object store using Python.v

JVM Advent Calendar: Apache Zeppelin: Stairway to *Notes* Heaven!


Continuing from the previous post, Two Years in the Life of AI, ML, DL, and Java, where I expressed my motivation, I mentioned our discussions, one of the discussions was that you can write in languages like Python, R, and Julia in JuPyteR notebooks. Most were not aware that you can also write Java and Scala in addition to Python, SQL, etc. with the help of Apache Zeppelin notebooks. And so, I wanted to share something to broaden everyone’s awareness of Apache Zeppelin and its features. The project itself is written in Java and is an open architecture, which means that Zeppelin can support anything as long as an interpreter for that thing has been provided.

First Things First

In case I have lost some of you, here’s what I meant by JuPyteR notebooks and writing notebooks in different languages. Also, have a look at the list of kernels supported by JuPyteR notebook. In this post, however, we are covering Apache Zeppelin, how to get it to work, and how to use a couple of notes in the Zeppelin environment.

10 Reasons to Learn Python in 2019

If you follow my blog regularly then you may be wondering why am I writing an article to tell people to learn Python? Didn’t I ask you to prefer Java over Python a couple of years ago? 

Well, things have changed a lot since then. In 2016, Python replaced Java as the most popular language in colleges and universities and has never looked back. 

JVM Advent Calendar: Two Years in the Life of AI, ML, DL, and Java [Links]

Now, back to what I was going to write about. If you ask me, I’ll already admit that I have NOT even scraped the surface of these topics. What I share here is a glimpse of what’s out there and each one of you might have discovered many more aspects of these topics as part of your daily professional and personal pursuits.

One of my motivations of putting this post and the links below together comes from the discussion we had during the LJC Unconference in November 2018, where Jeremie, Michael Bateman, and I, along with a number of LJC JUG members, gathered at a session discussing a similar topic. And, the questions raised by some were along the lines of "where does Java stand in the world of AI-ML-DL?," "how do I do any of these things in Java?, and "which libraries and frameworks should I use?"

Creating and Manipulating PDFs with pdfrw

Patrick Maupin created a package he called pdfrw and released it back in 2012. The pdfrw package is a pure-Python library that you can use to read and write PDF files. At the time of writing, pdfrw was at version 0.4. With that version, it supports subsetting, merging, rotating and modifying data in PDFs. The pdfrw package has been used by the rst2pdf package (see chapter 18) since 2010 because pdfrw can “faithfully reproduce vector formats without rasterization.” You can also use pdfrw in conjunction with ReportLab to re-use potions of existing PDFs in new PDFs that you create with ReportLab.

In this article, we will learn how to do the following: