Comparison of 11 New Python Web Frameworks

Python has been the go to language for building web services, right from quick-and-dirty RESTful APIs to full-fledged web applications that serve millions of users. If you have been dabbling in this area, you'd have probably used some of the most popular web frameworks already — Django, Flask, Falcon, Tornado, CherryPy, among others.

In the last few years, though, there have been many new kids on the block. These new frameworks have taken a fresh approach with a focus on the performance and expressiveness of the API. Here’s a comparison of new web frameworks in Python that you should consider for your next side project.

An Intro to StaticBox and StaticBoxSizers

There are many widgets that are included with the wxPython GUI toolkit. One of them is a fairly handy widget called wx.StaticBox. This widget accepts a string and then will draw a box with the string in the upper left-hand corner of the box. However, this only works when you use it in conjunction with wx.StaticBoxSizer.

Here is an example of what one might look like: