Common Anti-Patterns in Python

1. Not Using with to Open Files

When you open a file without the with statement, you need to remember closing the file via calling close() explicitly when finished with processing it. Even while explicitly closing the resource, there are chances of exceptions before the resource is actually released. This can cause inconsistencies, or lead the file to be corrupted. Opening a file via with implements the context manager protocol that releases the resource when execution is outside of the with block.

Bad practice:

Top 18 Python Pattern Programs You Must Know About [Snippets]

Preparing for technical interviews takes a lot of preparation, and it’s highly probable that you might have to create Python pattern programs there. That’s why we’ve sorted a list of multiple ideas for pattern printing in Python to start your preparations. 

We have multiple kinds of Python pattern programs in this list, so choose your expertise and experience. Make sure that you understand what part of code does what before you move onto the next pattern. Without a proper understanding of how the system works, you would face a lot of difficulty in explaining its working.

Pipenv and Requests Author Kenneth Reitz Interview


Kenneth Reitz is a well-known software engineer, international keynote speaker, and open-source advocate who also focuses on photography and music production. He is well known for his many open-source projects, specifically Requests "simple, yet elegant HTTP library" and Pipenv Python Development Workflow for Humans. We are excited to have interviewed Kenneth! In this interview, he talks about the top issues Python developers face while scaling applications, shares his thoughts on async / await paradigm in Python, speaks about his project PyTheory, and the "natural affinity" for software development.

The Interview

Evrone: Alongside all your Python contributions you also have several music albums and thousands of great professional photos. What is your main interest right now?

Comparison of 11 New Python Web Frameworks

Python has been the go to language for building web services, right from quick-and-dirty RESTful APIs to full-fledged web applications that serve millions of users. If you have been dabbling in this area, you'd have probably used some of the most popular web frameworks already — Django, Flask, Falcon, Tornado, CherryPy, among others.

In the last few years, though, there have been many new kids on the block. These new frameworks have taken a fresh approach with a focus on the performance and expressiveness of the API. Here’s a comparison of new web frameworks in Python that you should consider for your next side project.

Build Your First Python Chatbot Project


Chatbots are extremely helpful for business organizations and also the customers. The majority of people prefer to talk directly from a chatbox instead of calling service centers. Facebook released data that proved the value of bots. More than 2 billion messages are sent between people and companies monthly. The HubSpot research tells us that 71% of people want to get customer support from messaging apps. It is a quick way to get their problems solved so chatbots have a bright future in organizations.

Today we are going to build an exciting project on Chatbot. We will implement a chatbot from scratch that will be able to understand what the user is talking about and give an appropriate response.