Python Developer: Roles, Responsibilities, Skills, and Proficiency

The canonical, “Python is a great first language”, elicited, “Python is a great last language!” — Noah Spurrier

 A rising programming language in the IT scenario, one of the most popular amongst the developer community — Python needs no introduction. Python programming has been in demand and so has been the demand for skilled Python developers. Simply learning Python may not suffice for a developer, understanding Python in detail, learning about the roles and responsibilities, skills, and salaries are important too.

Getting Started With PyTorch – Deep Learning in Python

Are you trying to design a model using machine learning? 

If yes, PyTorch will be the right choice in that case. This article will help you understand the basics of deep learning and the concept of PyTorch. In the beginning, we will explain what PyTorch is & the advantages of using it for your projects. The article will end with a quick comparison between PyTorch and NumPy using an example.

Java vs. Python Comparison: The Battle of Best Programming Language in 2021

Comparing two programming languages is similar to a comparison between two cars, where two different individuals may have different opinions on both of them. Well, as starters, computer programming languages have come a long way since their inception. Today, everything we dwell upon has to have a programming language behind it, easing away our troubles. 

Two great examples to support the same statement would be the following. Let's start with Zoom, an incredible video-conferencing application on which almost today's world relies on was developed using JAVA and C++. The second example will be a food ordering application that again depends on several different coded script lines.

Why Has Python Become a Popular Choice for Mobile App Development in 2020?

When it comes to popular programming languages for backend development, Python comes to the mind of most developers. This high level, interpreted and general-purpose dynamic programming language has fewer steps when compared to C and Java. This attribute of Python makes it a hot favorite among most of the developers. And, it is one of the fastest-growing and popular programming languages these days.

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