Execute Spark Applications on Databricks Using the REST API


While many of us are habituated to executing Spark applications using the 'spark-submit' command, with the popularity of Databricks, this seemingly easy activity is getting relegated to the background. Databricks has made it very easy to provision Spark-enabled VMs on the two most popular cloud platforms, namely AWS and Azure. A couple of weeks ago, Databricks announced their availability on GCP as well. The beauty of the Databricks platform is that they have made it very easy to become a part of their platform. While Spark application development will continue to have its challenges - depending on the problem being addressed - the Databricks platform has taken out the pain of having to establish and manage your own Spark cluster.

Using Databricks

Once registered on the platform, the Databricks platform allows us to define a cluster of one or more VMs, with configurable RAM and executor specifications. We can also define a cluster that can launch a minimum number of VMs at startup and then scale to a maximum number of VMs as required. After defining the cluster, we have to define jobs and notebooks. Notebooks contain the actual code executed on the cluster. We need to assign notebooks to jobs as the Databricks cluster executes jobs (and not Notebooks). Databricks also allows us to setup the cluster such that it can download additional JARs and/or Python packages during cluster startup. We can also upload and install our own packages (I used a Python wheel).

Augmented Analytics With PySpark and Sentiment Analysis

In this tutorial, you will learn how to enrich COVID19 tweets data with a positive sentiment score.You will leverage PySpark and Cognitive Services and learn about Augmented Analytics.

What Is Augmented Analytics?

According to Gartner's report, augmented analytics is the use of technologies such as machine learning and AI to assist with data preparation, insight generation. Its main goal is to help more people to get value out of data and generate insights in an easy, conversational manner. For our example, we extract the positive sentiment score out of a tweet to help in understanding the overall sentiment towards COVID-19.

Benefits and Examples of Using Apache Spark With PySpark

What Is Apache Spark? 

Apache Spark is one of the hottest new trends in the technology domain. It is the framework with probably the highest potential to realize the fruit of the marriage between Big Data and Machine Learning.

It runs fast — up to 100x faster than traditional Hadoop MapReduce due to in-memory operation, which offers robust, distributed, fault-tolerant data objects (called RDD), and integrates beautifully with the world of machine learning and graph analytics through supplementary packages, like Mlib and GraphX.