7 Key Reasons Why Progressive Web Apps Are the Future of Web Development


The web development environment has rapidly transformed with an increased demand for more scalable and cross-platform web and enterprise applications in the ever-changing market equilibrium. To help enterprises address their business needs and connect with the customers using a range of devices and platforms seamlessly, legacy web apps have made way for progressive web apps (PWAs) that allow easy access to mobile users.

Progressive web apps use modern web capabilities to deliver reliable, fast, and engaging user experiences on their preferred devices and platforms. PWAs also provide personalization and caching capabilities, which ensure faster loading time and less data usage. These apps are developed once and can be deployed wherever required.

Some PWAs Now Being Accepted by Google Play Store

Earlier this decade, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) started to become commonplace in the mobile and web worlds. By allowing developers to access features and functionality ordinarily reserved for native applications, PWAs can allow users a richer application experience than normal dynamic web pages — even more so than HTML5.

Following up on their 2017 announcement, Google is now allowing PWAs that make use of the Trusted Web Activities (TWA) API into its Play Store. TWA is Google's way of allowing app developers to create PWAs with minimal native code while still allowing the promise of PWAs: greater access to native device features such as push notifications.