Why PKI Is Critical to Your Cloud Strategy

Modern businesses are becoming ever more reliant on digital data and electronic activities, and as a result, meet rigorous data privacy compliance hurdles and information security regulations. Also, with companies increasingly under threat of online cyber-attacks and malicious insiders, enterprise applications and interfaces are now reliant on using digital credentials to manage how users and companies access sensitive information and crucial system resources. 

This is why businesses rely on several data authentication systems to guard their key customer and enterprise data. However, out of all different authentication systems, PKIs (Public Key Infrastructure) ensure the trustworthiness of identity credentials. 

Why Manual Management of SSL\TLS Certs Destroys Security

For something so important, if you look around, you will find that the means and methods of managing SSL and TLS certificates are stuck somewhere in the past. Despite being the backbone of cybersecurity, IT folks often recount an alarming dependence on ad-hoc, manual, or semi-automated approaches to addressing this problem.

The range of tasks involved with certificate management is greater than one might assume at first glance. For example, someone has to purchase certificates and renew them when they expire, time-consuming activity in and of itself. Then, there’s the actual deployment of certificates, etc.

Encryption and Signing

Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric encryption means that the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt:

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Asymmetric Encryption

To solve the problem of negotiating 100 keys, if you want to send something privately to 100 individuals/system, a public/private key is used. If a message is encrypted using public key then it can be decrypted only with private key, and on the same line, if a message is encrypted using a private key, then it can decrypted using only a public key (not even with a private key)