Strategies for Learning From Mistakes


We are programmed at an early age to think that mistakes are bad. Make a mistake and you won’t get good grades. Choose the right career because there’s no going back. Make up your mind, there won’t be a second chance. You will regret this decision later. What were you really thinking? All this well-meaning advice rings loud and clear in our heads, conveying a simple message—stay away from mistakes. 

Living in a mistake-phobic culture that links mistakes with stupidity and incompetence, it isn’t easy to admit a mistake. While most of the decisions we make aren’t about life and death and the consequences are rather trivial, we find it extremely hard to say, “I made a mistake.” We avoid taking responsibility for our actions and use blame, lies, and other fanciful stories to avoid looking like an idiot. 

This TED Talk Will Singlehandedly Change Your Career

Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston, where she teaches and studies what the above TED Talk is all about – how we can all overcome our innately human fear of vulnerability so that we can truly lead our best lives.

Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what this has to do with DZone, since it’s obviously not overtly tech related. But it just so happens that tech companies from all over the world pay Dr. Brown a whole lot of money to advise them on building cultures where innovation can thrive.