What Is a Smart Database Proxy?

Smart database proxies may not be familiar to many people, and it's a shame because they can solve many difficult problems elegantly. This article explains what they are, what they do, and when they are useful.

A Quick Comparison

Let me start with a seemingly unrelated topic: web pages. Bear with me, it will all come together in a minute.

Web Scraping: Leave It All to AI or Add a Human Touch?

To say there's a lot of data on the Internet is an understatement. As of 2020, it's projected that the "digital universe" holds an estimated 40 trillion gigabytes or 40 zettabytes worth of information. To put this into perspective, a single zettabyte has enough data to fill data centers roughly one-fifth the size of Manhattan.

With such a vast amount of information available to analyze, it makes sense that so many tasks associated with gathering data get left to artificial intelligence. Bots can crawl through web pages at incredible speed, extracting as much relevant information as needed. And while many data scientists and marketers access and use this info in a perfectly ethical fashion, it’s an unfortunate fact that the growing presence of AI online brings with it a growing amount of stigma.

What Is a Proxy Server and How Do Proxies Work?

You might have already heard about proxies and proxy servers. But if you aren't entirely familiar with them, this article will help you catch up with this web technology and see all the benefits of using proxy servers. 

What Are Proxies?

A web proxy is some kind of intermediate between a web user and an online resource. When visiting a website directly, you send a web request containing information about yourself (the server or PC that you are using, your location, browser fingerprints, IP address, etc.). As a response to this data sent, the web resource provides you with the content you requested.

SOCKS5 Proxy and its Benefits

Like many other internet protocols, SOCKS channelizes packets between a server and a client with the help of a proxy server. The packets of information are transferred through a proxy server that generates an arbitrary IP address before the information reaches its destination.

SOCKS5 is the latest version that uses proxy servers to form User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) through arbitrary IP addresses.