Protractor End of Support, Future of Angular E2E, Best Alternative Tools

Many angular and react project is running on Protractor Testing Framework, however, Protractor has recently announced the end of support 2022. Also, there are many users who want to explore Cypress End to End Test Automation Framework, This article explains and answers the most common question while exploring Cypress Test Automation Framework

The Protractor is dying!!! Google announced the protractor end of support/development. 'The Angular team plans to end development of Protractor at the end of 2022 (in conjunction with Angular v15).' So protractor users left with no other option than to migrate their test cases Since Protractor announced the end of life now everyone has only one question, What is the best alternative to the protractor end-to-end testing? Can Cypress Automation tool replace the Protractor or should we consider other tools?

How to Set up Cypress and Typescript End-to-End Automation Testing Framework From Scratch

This article explains creating or setting up a end-to-end testing framework from scratch using Typescript. Unlike another tutorial, this explains setting up the Cypress framework using Typescript in a simple and easy way. This article is helpful for whoever wants to set up the Cypress Typescript automation framework for the first time. Also, I know that there are many, migrating from different automation frameworks like Protractor,, etc. this will be helpful for them too.

This Tutorial shows page object model creation as well, however you can use it for any type of framework by skipping those steps.

Protractor Tutorial: Handling iFrames and Frames in Selenium

While performing Selenium test automation, you’d often come across scenarios where you’d need to handle frames or iframes. Frames are used to split the content into horizontal and vertical splits, while iframes are used to embed content on a web page. 

In this Protractor testing tutorial, I’ll take a look at how to handle frames and iframes in Selenium with Protractor. To learn more about Protractor, and how to perform Protractor testing, you can refer to this Protractor testing tutorial to perform cross-browser testing. 

How to Handle Alerts and Popups in Protractor With Selenium?

There are times in the life-cycle of various web applications where you need to interrupt a message to the user. These may be warnings, alerts, or information. Browsers have native dialog boxes, one that you can show to alert users to these important messages using JavaScript.

Suppose you fill in an application form and accidentally miss out on a couple of details. How do you know this unless there is a notification alert or a pop-up window? Or If we test a web application using Selenium JavaScript and try logging in to a web site, but do not add an email ID or password to the required fields, the program sends an alert. This is precisely what I will be talking about today. I will be performing Selenium test automation using Protractor to handle alerts and pop-ups. 

Protractor Tutorial: Handle Mouse Actions and Keyboard Events

At times, while performing automated browser testing, you often have to deal with elements, which reveal only after you hover on the menu or after you click on them. In such cases, you can opt for using the action class for keyboard and mouse actions in Selenium Protractor. With the action class, you can automate representation of mouse activities, such as a mouse clicking, mouse hovering, etc.

The Selenium Protractor framework has in-built capabilities to manage various forms of keyboard and mouse events. This handling of keyboard and mouse events is achieved using the Advanced User Interfaces API. These are web-based API for emulating complex movements performed by the user. 

Top Tools for AngularJS development

Developers have many options to build a website. With time, experts have enhanced the web development process and made it easier and faster for the developers. Many frameworks and their tools have been introduced in the market. Among them, to develop a dynamic web page, AngularJS has become a top choice for the developers, as it offers simple syntax and a clean architect with extensive features of HTML 5.

Glance on AngluarJS framework: