Software Project Management Plan

Nowadays, many companies, organizations, and individuals are becoming more aware of the importance of technological factors in all aspects of life. This situation has resulted in the increasing need for different software products and services that cannot be created successfully without a proper software project management plan.

Overview of Software Project Management

Project management refers to the process of applying skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools to project activities to fulfill the requirements of the project. It usually broke down into project management phases, including project initiation, project planning, project execution, project monitoring, and project closure.

What’s the PDCA Cycle and How’s It Used in Project Management?

PDCA cycle is a four-step cycle for constant improvement. Companies constantly evolve to keep up with the rapidly advancing world. PDCA approach is one way to inducing these changes in the system.

PDCA cycle is the means to making sure that your company is constantly improving and is headed in the right direction.  In terms of marketing, for example, businesses have transitioned from country-wide print media ads to strong social media campaigns targeting audiences across the globe. 

Successful Data Science Project Planning: CRISP-DM Is Not Dead!

It is very difficult to find a concise article containing a comprehensive guide to implement a Machine Learning or Data Science project. There are many online articles that provide detailed information on how we need to implement parts of a Machine Learning/Data Science project. Sometimes, companies only need high-level steps that show a clear overview.

A lot of Data Science project leads today forget about CRISP-DM, which is Cross-industry standard process for data mining created in 1996. In 2015, IBM released a new methodology called Analytics Solutions Unified Method for Data Mining/Predictive Analytics (also known as ASUM-DM) which refines and extends CRISP-DM.[1]

How to Identify and Manage Risks at Software Project Planning Stage

Once upon a time, several blind sages groped an elephant in order to understand what it looks like. But everyone studied only the part of the animal that was closest to him. One said the elephant was like a snake, holding it by its trunk. Another held its leg and insisted that it looked like a tree. The third held a tail and said the elephant looked like liana. In the end, the wise men could not agree and understand how the elephant looks like.

An interesting fact is that each of them was right in his own way; each simply saw the situation only from his own side and refused to accept information from his peers. If they had put together their observations, then, most likely, they could compile complete information and see the whole picture.