9 Free Best Code Editors for Windows and Mac In 2020

It is always exciting for developers from all over the world whenever they get to showcase their best code editor at computer expos and tech conferences. On that note when we talk about free code editors for Windows and Mac to use in the year 2020, we cannot help but wait in anticipation for brand-new features to use right away.

In this write-up, we will talk about the best coding software for multiple platforms. However, we will lay extra emphasis on Windows OS and Mac OS because they are popular operating systems out there right now.

Virtual Project Management: An Alternative to Conventional PM Practices

Even if the pandemic ceases to exist in the near future, you will have millions of businesses that have been bullied into becoming virtual companies. It was not by choice, but it sure taught a lot of valuable lessons to organization owners.

Speaking of businesses transitioning to virtual companies, and what comes next is strongly tied to virtual project management these days. Given that you are using the right tactics, VPM tools and improvising as a project manager, the chances of making through the existing pandemic are high.

7 Best Highrise CRM Alternative to Use in 2020

Looking for the right Highrise CRM alternative is a crucial task since there are a lot of various options available in the market these days. Since Highrise is a customer relationship and resource management software – and that too with an abundance of features, we think you might like these alternatives as a backup solution. This write-up rounds of best Highrise CRM alternatives to date, and the reason why you might fall in love with them. One of the best things about the modern world is the absence of a monopoly.

Gone are the days when there was one specific product or service to meet customers’ standards. Right now, it is the age of alternatives, choices, and options. If you are looking for a Highrise alternative, this article will fill you in on a handful of software solutions.

The Top 6 ActiveCollab Alternatives to Use in 2020

If you just started in project management, you have probably heard of ActiveCollab amongst. If you haven’t, well, it is a project management tool with many nifty features to make workflow easy. Although this article isn’t about ActiveCollab, it fares well to say that the write-up suggests many ActiveCollab alternatives to use in 2020.

But before we do all that, let us take a brief look at what ActiveCollab is about.

16 Best Software for Task Management (Free and Paid)

What do you do when you have a project at hand? Stress out about how to get it done, make a few dandy to-do lists on a paper about the tasks to be carried out, then stress out some more?

Oh, and it gets worse when the assignment at hand is complex — and that too, with intricate details that need constant attention. In most instances, the stakes are high and any errors can cause you substantial loss. These losses can lead to eventual setbacks that can send you off the expected trajectory of your project. A lot of times, that would otherwise be used productively, but getting back to track over and over again kind of drains the spirit.

Project Management Tools Used for Effective Project Planning

If you have stumbled on this page, then you’re probably wondering “What the heck are project management tools?” Let’s start from the very beginning and go through some common misconceptions about project management tools.

What Are Project Management Tools?

Well, project management tools are the munitions that project managers require to help a team or an individual in getting their work organized. It is used to manage their projects and tasks in such a way that they achieve success.

How to Write an Effective Project Charter

Make your voice heard with your Project Charter!
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In the old days, businesses or the organizational culture was a hit or miss affair. Businesses were pushed forward and projects were pitched without asking the tough questions or defining a specific direction for the team on how to achieve the goals that were set by the company.

If you are in such a position that you are responsible for setting the direction and scope of a team to work on a project, then you should be able to write an effective Project Charter and in this article, we’ll guide you on project charter examples.

The 40 Best Organizational Tools to Enhance Your Work

Get these tools in your toolbox!
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Being organized doesn’t mean you have to rely on one resource or a couple of organizational tools, whether you are an analog or a digital organizer. You can get the best features out of all of them to organize your chores and projects accordingly.

Some of the best work organizing tools are listed below that will help you get your affairs in order. Let’s take a look.

Is JIRA a Counterproductive Project Management Software In Today’s Market?

There are numerous complaints about project management software since the inception of the IT industry. Some of the complaints elicit the counter-productivity factor of task management tools. I know that being an Agile project manager at nTask sounds like a bit of cliché’, but at the same time, I cannot help but think otherwise.

Sometimes, Project Management Tools are Overrated

Yep, they are not only overrated, but there is a very real possibility that you don’t have to rely on project management software to get by with your business activities. Why so? Consider a small business brick n’ mortar environment with old-school work aesthetics. They are running their business fine.