What to Do When Your Programming Project Gets Canceled

This week, my main task for this sprint was canceled. While not as momentous as the cancellation of an entire project (I've been there too), deleting the past week's work still stung. This isn't the first time, though, so I know that there are a few things to keep in mind:

You Didn't Waste Your Time

Bottom line: Were you paid for your work? Then your employer still sees it as valuable, if only to make sure that a given line of development was sufficiently explored before determining it wasn't worth continuing. Developing a product or service often means saying 'no' to things, and sometimes that means cutting losses before the sunk cost fallacy takes hold.

Predicting Wine Quality With Several Classification Techniques


As the quarantine continues, I’ve picked up a number of hobbies and interests…including WINE. Recently, I’ve acquired a taste for wines, although I don’t really know what makes a good wine. Therefore, I decided to apply some machine learning models to figure out what makes a good quality wine!

Turning Your Raspberry Pi Into a Science Research Station Via BOINC

Use your computing power for the greater good...

BOINC lets you help cutting-edge science research using your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux) or Android device. BOINC downloads scientific computing jobs to your computer and runs them invisibly in the background. It’s easy and safe, you can check it out here.

This is the entry paragraph on the Berkely University BOINC website: "The BOINC software, short for Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, can also be installed on Raspberry Pis, making your Raspberry Pi your own little science research station. This way, you can help science projects such as SETI@home, Einstein@Home, Universe@Home, and many more."

How to Start a Node.js Project

Sometimes I write blog posts to remind myself what I’ve learned and sometimes I write them because someone else shares something and I want to remember that better. This post is one of the latter.

Starting a Node.js project

Usually, when I start a new Node.js project I use npm to generate my initial project.