Two Keys to Agile Transformation

Enterprise agility has rapidly become one of the most crucial variables for a business’s long-term resiliency. With the COVID-19 pandemic, never-ending disruptions to the global supply chain, and nearly every industry’s typical processes flipped upside down, there has never been a more important time to prioritize agility than now.

While the rewards of agility are high, organizations are struggling to implement key technologies and adhere to the methodologies that can get them there. In fact, the 14th Annual State of Agile Report notes that 59 percent of organizations are following agile principles, but only 4 percent of these organizations are getting the full benefit. But the ability to adapt quickly, seize new opportunities, and reduce costs is critical for survival in the ever-evolving and hypercompetitive digital age.

9 Free Best Code Editors for Windows and Mac In 2020

It is always exciting for developers from all over the world whenever they get to showcase their best code editor at computer expos and tech conferences. On that note when we talk about free code editors for Windows and Mac to use in the year 2020, we cannot help but wait in anticipation for brand-new features to use right away.

In this write-up, we will talk about the best coding software for multiple platforms. However, we will lay extra emphasis on Windows OS and Mac OS because they are popular operating systems out there right now.