Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Development

If you notice the trend of outsourcing software development these days, you must know the fact that Vietnam is becoming the new powerhouse of skilled technical workers. They have a broad knowledge base to complete tasks as data mining, analysis, and innovation.

As a result, a productive yet cheap workforce is one of the reasons why many businesses are considering outsourcing their software. And before making any decision, let’s see how outsourcing benefits you and what all the bad sides are when it comes to this activity.

7 Ways To Manage Pull Requests

Pull requests focus on the changes made to the codebase with information about what change was made to help reviewers and other developers understand and provide feedback. Their biggest drawbacks lie in their detailed nature and time consumption. 

Developers make every effort to improve the management of pull requests, along with their workflow. There is a constant battle with ways to improve time spent on them and making sure the accuracy behind merging codes stays the same.