10 Skills Product Managers Should Have in 2021

In 2020, managers had to supplement their skill sets to meet the needs of changing workplaces. People had little choice but to adjust to a remote set-up. The working world as we know it shifted. Both employees and managers had to change the way they operated. This prompted a rise in project planning software and video calling. 

Product managers have always required communication, organization, and technical skills. Now more so than ever, their vast skill sets are in demand to keep businesses on their feet. This article aims to highlight these essential skills. We will look at the part they’ll play going forward in the aftermath of 2020.

How to Distinguish the Abilities of A Product Manager from A Product Engineer

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Who’s a product engineer, anyway? It’s sometimes hard to distinguish between a product manager and a product engineer. In this post, we’ll have a try to figure it out.

Among one hundred and one job titles, the product manager is, perhaps, the most confusing. The truth is that various companies use various job title specifications, from the Strategic Product Managers to eCommerce or Product Development Managers or even all-in-one. Average people can hardly see any difference, but the professionals can.