The Right Way to Hybridize Your Product Development Technique

In this post, we'll be talking about how to combine the best aspects of two different product development techniques to create a hybrid approach that saves you time and money while helping you avoid risks to your company.


You see, creatives (myself included) are often very passionate about what we do and would love nothing more than to do it all on our own. 

Prioritization Models in Agile Product Development

If you are currently building a product or planning to build a product within the Agile framework, you must content with certain aspects of product development and management. When envisioning your brilliant product idea, you may have envisioned a smooth and seamless process from start to finish; however, the reality is that every product development process must determine what is important and prioritize those aspects throughout development in order to keep things on track. At some points, you may even need to pull back and reassess priorities to get back on track.

Fortunately, with smart Agile apps and with carefully selected prioritization models, it is possible to perform prioritization quickly and easily. Certainly, this is much more straightforward when you understand what prioritization is and what the most common prioritization models are within Agile product development. 

Hyper-Automation — New Age Automation With AI

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Active minds look to obviate monotony. This is the seed of the greatest ideas that have ever transpired. Ideas that lead to progress, growth, and freedom from doing things manually. Over the past several decades, the advancement in technology has given us the greatest gift of all, time. Time to focus on our creative endeavors and leave it to the machines to carry out the tasks that our brains now consider mundane. As a species, it is our constant endeavor to make our lives easier and more convenient.

While the core meaning of “automation” remains the same, the usage of the word has truly changed over time. We have come a long way from manually switching on the ceiling fan to automatic temperature control in air conditioners everywhere. Things that we perceived as “automated” years ago, kept getting more and more automated and became more convenient to use. This is largely due to advancements in technology over the years. 

Revealing Critical App Bugs Before the Launch: Methods and Tips

A bug a day keeps users away. That is the mantra that all developers must live by. When writing thousands of lines of code, however, some slip-ups are bound to occur.

This is where you and I, the quality analysts come in. Developers often dislike us because nobody wants to be told that their creation has a problem right after they finish making it.

Tips on Using DevOps Maturity Assessments to Manage Change

For many IT organizations, the digital transformation trend has spurred continuous changes in how to approach developing software systems that meet ever-evolving business needs. One of the more common efforts is the switch to Agile methods, which often segues into DevOps.

This path makes perfect sense since collaboration between development and operations teams often results in faster iterations and improvement of product features in comparison to conventional software development models.

3 Mistakes Product Managers Make While Outsourcing IoT Product Development


Project management isn’t just about managing projects. It is a collaborative effort of stakeholders, ranging from in-house teams to outsourced partners. In all fairness, the latter is a more complicated space since an outsider in a possibly different time zone has to access your data, processes, and teams. While outsourcing digital product development projects, enterprises have a long road to trek. Issues from lack of credibility to unclear objectives are directly responsible for a failed engagement and ultimately a sub-standard quality of end output. 

If your outsourcing partner is not performing as per expectations, the fault may be at your end. Here are the top mistakes that project managers knowingly or unknowingly commit while hiring product development partners. 

Healthcare Digital Transformation: What to Look for in 2021

The adoption of digital and technological advancements in healthcare has been up to the mark at all times. Doctors work toward implementing robotics, while patients look into personalized apps and solutions to facilitate their connection to the system. Yet, the digitalization levels of healthcare systems vary tremendously depending on the continent, region, and country, as the 2020 experience showed. This year will see new challenges associated with the implementation of tech advancements in healthcare, but before getting there, let’s define the concept of digital transformation in healthcare and its current state.

What Is Digital Transformation in Healthcare all About?

The definition of digital transformation states that it is the adoption of digital technologies in a business with the purpose to change and improve that organization. The idea seems to be clear, yet it does not provide what it means for healthcare in particular. The industry is expected to valuate at $210 billion by 2025, so this should be a big deal, right? The world has been talking about healthcare digital transformation trends for quite some time, and, in 2020, we saw many perks, like telemedicine. But is that it? Or maybe digital transformation is something else?

Benefits of Running Agile Product Teams


Agile is one of the most popular approaches to project management because of its flexibility. It is an incremental and iterative approach to project management that helps teams handle their workload more efficiently.

The agile manifesto started in 2001 as a way to address software development issues faced by software developers. Today, agile is a popular project management approach preferred by many project managers for their teams, regardless of the industry.

SKP’s Product Dev Master Class #02: Creativity and Innovation

[Sumith Puri has 16y 04m of Experience and is at a Principal Software Level in the Software Industry. An Ex-Yahoo, Symantec, Huawei, Oracle*, OpenText*, Finastra* (*Original Product Firms Acquired by these Companies). His Deep Rooted Expertise in Product Development, Technology, Java/Java EE Architecture and Development, Programming, Software Engineering is Shared via this Series of Articles. Please Note that the Images, Videos, Artwork, and Quotes are the Sole Property  of the Copyright Owner and Used Here for Non-Commercial Demonstration Purposes]


There are various approaches to define Innovation. Innovation can have various or different meanings to various or different people. Since there are so many definitions for Innovation — As a student, I present the top 10 along with the sources or individuals who defined them. You may find individuals and sources from all walks of life providing their own perspective or a definition of Innovation itself. The remaining for you to find from the Internet as a TODO through your own efforts.

1. Innovation is “The creation of new products and/or services.” [Investor Words]
2. Innovation “Lowers the costs and/or increases the benefits of a task.” [Yost]
3. Innovation is “A patentable solution (external verified uniqueness) with a differentiated business model that changes the basis of business for that specific industry sector.” [Ray Meads]
4. Innovation is “To dare to challenge mainstream thinking and behavior pattern.” [Lars Christensen]
5. Innovation is “The practical translation of ideas into new or improved products, services, processes, systems or social interactions.” [The University of Melbourne]
6. Innovation Tournaments: “A new match between a need and a solution.” [Christian Terwiesch and Karl T. Ulrich]
7. Innovation is then “Simply new technology, i.e. the systematic application of (new) knowledge to (new) resources to produce (new) goods or (new) services.” [Maciej Soltynski]
8. Innovation is “The successful exploitation of new ideas.” [Ber]
9. Innovation is “The creation of something that improves the way we live our lives.” [Barack Obama]

That one definition that is accepted by most: Innovation is a) something fresh (new, original, or improved) b) that creates value

It is important we also quote from Wikipedia: 

Innovation is defined simply as a "new idea, device, or method."

However, innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are readily available to markets, governments, and society. The term "Innovation" can be defined as something original and more effective and, as a consequence, new, that "breaks into" the market or society. It is related to, but not the same as, invention.


Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value, more often than not comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.” [Sir Ken Robinson]

Wikipedia provides the following definition:

Creativity is a Phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a literary work, or a painting).

Creativity and Innovation

It is very important that one is able to appreciate the difference between Creativity and Innovation before getting ahead with further topics. 

Value + Creativity + Execution = Innovation

Something new is not enough for the definition of innovation. There are plenty of cases where something new has no new value ( a new color of a product or a new chemical produced that does nothing). Sometimes, the value creation results because the item is simply useful to us. We can create a lot of fresh or new things that are of no use and no value. It must create value to be innovative. Also note that the “something” could be a process, product, or service and can start as small as your ideas and thoughts in your brain. In that case, it might just be innovative thinking.

This piece from Business Inside Australia is apt in putting the right thought process across in an Organizational or Corporate Context, including Software Product Companies.

[The main difference between creativity and innovation is the focus. Creativity is about unleashing the potential of the mind to conceive new ideas. Those concepts could manifest themselves in any number of ways, but most often, they become something we can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste. However, creative ideas can also be thought experiments within one person’s mind. Creativity is subjective, making it hard to measure, as our creative friends assert. Innovation, on the other hand, is completely measurable. Innovation is about introducing change into relatively stable systems. It’s also concerned with the work required to make an idea viable. By identifying an unrecognized and unmet need, an organisation can use innovation to apply its creative resources to design an appropriate solution and reap a return on its investment. Organisations often chase Creativity, but what they really need to pursue is Innovation. Theodore Levitt puts it best: “What is often lacking is not creativity in the idea-creating sense but innovation in the action-producing sense, i.e. putting ideas to work.”]

SKP’s Product Dev Master Class #01: Innovative Thinking

[Sumith Puri has 16y 04m of Experience and is at a Principal Software Level in the Software Industry. An Ex-Yahoo, Symantec, Huawei, Oracle*, OpenText*, Finastra* (*Original Product Firms Acquired by these Companies). His Deep Rooted Expertise in Product Development, Technology, Java/Java EE Architecture and Development, Programming, Software Engineering is Shared via this Series of Articles. Please Note that the Images, Videos, Artwork, and Quotes are the Sole Property  of the Copyright Owner and Used Here for Non-Commercial Demonstration Purposes]


How the Right Product Mindset Can Propel Business Outcomes

Today’s engineering teams often use agile methods to guide software development and adhere to the principles outlined within the Manifesto for Software Development. These principles, which were created as an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development, represent the dominant force that led to the ‘continuous delivery in software’ approach that is prevalent today.

At Talentica, we have worked alongside more than 150 software development teams, including early-stage companies, in the last two decades. This experience has underscored the need for a separate set of principles to help CEOs, CTOs, Engineering VPs, and other technology leaders to align their engineering teams with strategic outcomes beyond just product delivery.

7 Examples of Sneaky Tech Debt and How to Spot Them

At Stepsize, helping high-growth software companies measure and manage technical debt is our business. And this means we get to spend our days with some of the best engineering minds out there.

We've listened to their stories, and analysed hundreds of thousands of lines of their code and contextual data, to identify the signals of technical debt in all the noise. Following on from our broader definition of tech debt, in this article we'll share some examples of technical debt that we've spotted in the wild, to help you identify it in your own codebase — before it catches you off-guard.

6 Reasons to Start Managing Technical Debt in 2021


The pressure has never been greater on developers: to move from legacy to modern infrastructure, to reduce inefficiencies, and create products that build customer satisfaction and increase revenue. Many enterprises are moving forward with a DevOps mindset, but in all their progress forward, they may be forgetting one thing, technical debt. Indeed, devs may be moving fast and breaking things, but never actually fixing them. In response, technical debt builds up, resulting in a downturn in engineering productivity and significant costs to an organization.

Earlier this year, Umser Mansoor did a small survey of developers for Codeahoy on technical debt. Out of 91 respondents, it found that 68% of developers said they work on products with high or very high amounts of tech debt. Technical debt costs companies $85bn annually, but it also has devastating impacts on engineering teams.

Best Practices for Digital Twin Implementation

Today, forward-thinking companies across industries are implementing digital twin technology in increasingly fascinating and ground-breaking ways. With Internet of Things (IoT) technology improving every day and more and more compute power readily available to organizations of all sizes, the possibilities of what you can do with digital twin technology are only as limited as your imagination.

What Is a Digital Twin?

A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical asset that is practically indistinguishable from its physical counterpart. It is made possible thanks to IoT sensors that gather data from the physical world and send it to be virtually reconstructed. This data includes design and engineering details that describe the asset’s geometry, materials, components, and behavior or performance.

How to Create Clear Project Roles and Responsibilities

Sorting out who does what on a project would appear to be pretty basic. Clear tasks, with clear responsibilities and deadlines, is Project Management 101. But in too many projects, it remains unclear who is responsible for a deliverable until it’s too late.

The Circle Dot Chart addresses this issue. It’s a tool for getting clear on what deliverables are due, when, and who is responsible for them. The chart consists of lines that represent tasks, and circles at the intersection of tasks and functional responsibilities. It identifies key deliverables on the horizontal axis and key roles or key individuals on the vertical axis. Open circles indicate that an individual function is involved, while solid circles represent the directly responsible individual (DRI) for a given deliverable. It is essential that there be one and only one DRI.