4 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing DevOps

While many companies are starting to reap the benefits of DevOps, there are also a number of pitfalls companies might step in resulting in a lack of business outcome.

Before digging into the mistakes we tend to see in the market, I want to give you a small primer.

6 contrarian things our Dev Lead does when updating execs

We are not purists at LinearB. Certainly not when it comes to "methodologies" like Agile or Scrum. We're not bothered with how things are "supposed" to be done. All of those rules are just dogma to us and we don't care.

We believe in lean engineering and we buy-in to a lot of ideas from the Agile Manifesto. But some Agile principles are outdated. Like "The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation." Not for us. We embrace asynchronous as the default form of communication within our dev team.

How Do You Know If Your Organization Is Delivering Value Through Software?

 There are no guarantees that DevOps and Agile will ensure that your software products will provide better value to customers – just that your customers should receive the product faster. Speed, however, is redundant if what you deliver doesn’t meet a customer’s requirements. In that scenario you haven’t provided business value — you’ve just delivered disappointment.

 Thanks to Agile sprints and product prioritization, cross-team collaboration, CI/CD and release automation (among other innovations), organizations are building and deploying products faster than ever. In fact, according to The State of DevOps Report, high-performing organizations are deploying 440 times faster (from code commit to deploy).