The Most Common Java Keytool Keystore Commands

Java Keytool Keystore Commands

The platform that manages the private keys and certificates is called Java Keytool. It has the ability through which public/private keys and certificate manage in addition to caching certificates. The storing place of keys and certificates is named by Java as Keystore. Java Keystore represents a file. The private keys are protected with a password in Keystore. The chain of trust and primary certificate trustworthiness is established by Keytool Keystore that is necessary to protect the private keys and certificates.

A unique alias is associated with each certificate in Java Keystore. First, you have to create a .jks file that will initially consist of only private keys. After that, CSR needs to be generated from which certificate will be generated. Then the certificate should be imported into the Keystore including root certificates. There are various functions that are performed by the Java Keytool like viewing of certificate details or a list of certificates consist of export a certificate.

When Machine Identities Go Bad

Managing machine identities, such as SSL/TLS certificates is boring, right? It’s not inspiring work and it’s easily overlooked or forgotten in the day to day onslaught of changes and incidents in a typical enterprise technology department. And they seem like such little things… but when certificates go bad, well, life can turn pretty dark. Here are some real-life nightmares that happened as the result of mismanagement of machine identities.

1. Expired Certificates Delayed Breach Detection

The notorious breach at Equifax — talk about reputational damage, right? Nearly 150 million customer records stolen including date of birth and social security numbers. That’s a lot of people having sleepless nights about ID fraud thanks to an error somewhere in Equifax’s approach to cybersecurity. While the initial attack was performed via a Struts vulnerability (a common one I still frequently see during application scanning), the detection of the breach took 76 days. The reason it took 76 days to detect: misconfiguration of the device inspecting encrypted traffic on the network. The reason for the misconfiguration of the device: a digital certificate that had expired ten months previously.