JWT Token: Lightweight, Token-Based Authentication

Securing your website is the goal of every developer. As of now, there are many possible ways to deal with website security. With the HTTP protocol, it is a bit challenging since it is stateless.

What Is Stateless?

When a sender sends a request to the server, the server processes it and sends back a response to the sender. Then, the cycle is over and the state is closed. The next request, even from the same sender, is considered a new request, or a new state. In short, every request is new to the server.

Hyperledger vs. Ethereum: Which Will Benefit Your Business?

Initially, cryptocurrency markets started out on a slow incline, but this year, in the first week of April, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum demonstrated new momentum with a 20 percent gain in investment ratio.

“This is a time of great opportunity” for enterprises. How? The new changes and growth will facilitate greater adoption of Hyperledger and Ethereum among the leading enterprises and communities of respective organizations.

Public Vs. Private Blockchain

Blockchain is a super hot topic right now — with every business — from big banks to small businesses —wondering how they can leverage this new technology to help get ahead and one-up their competition. But what exactly is blockchain? 

To delve a little deeper into the specifics of blockchain, particularly as it relates to business purposes, we need to outline the differences between a public blockchain and a private blockchain.