The Engineer’s Complete Guide to Backlog Grooming

You might be an organized checklist kinda person, or you might be hopelessly unorganized like the rest of us. It’s generally not such a big deal until you get overloaded with tasks and your team grows, making things even more confusing as you can’t decide each day what to prioritize.

Fortunately, there’s a way forward.

Improve Sprint Planning Meetings By Task Re-evaluation

Team productivity and performance depends on the efficiency of the sprint planning meeting. Teams often make mistakes that lead to failed sprints: 

  • Overextended meetings.
  •  Lacking a proper task prioritization. 
  • Lacking a shared vision.

Here we explain how the re-evaluation can help you build alignment, reduce the time spent on sprint planning, and populate the sprints with significant tasks only. And also how to automate the re-evaluation and devote it the least time possible.

How to Prioritize Tasks Fast

Meetings and Frameworks

We tried to discuss all of our tasks during online sync-ups—long, inefficient, and honestly, impossible. There was no time to hear and clarify everyone's opinions. We managed to go over only about 20% of 100 issues planned—the team got tired and unfocused after the first hour. Communication was clearly a challenge for us.

“Communication is the biggest challenge. It is difficult to know what each team and person is prioritizing and how they like to work.”  Hiten Shah
humans walking around a goal, confused

We decided to filter the issues through prioritization frameworks. The frameworks introduced criteria that structured the evaluation. The teammates assigned scores by the criteria asynchronously at their convenience. We started with Google Sheets and discussed only tasks with high scores.