
This is another player in the game of rendering the page of the link that you’re about to click on before you click it. It’s like getting a decent performance boost for extremely little effort. is another one, and I’ve been sufficiently convinced by its methodology to the extent that I run it here on this site right now. I don’t really know the difference between the two. And they aren’t the only players either. Google has quicklink and there’s guess-js for really exotic preloading.

It’s a bit of a pity that Safari and Firefox don’t support <link rel="prerender">, as it really seems to me the absolute easiest way to pull this off would be to drop that on the page where, on mouseover of a link, it points to the href of that link.

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Preloading Pages Just Before They are Needed

The typical journey for a person browsing a website: view a page, click a link, browser loads new page. That's assuming no funny business like a Single Page App, which still follows that journey, but the browser doesn't load a new page — the client fakes it for the sake of a snappier transition.

What if you could load that new page before the person clicks the link so that, when they do, the loading of that next page is much faster? There are two notable projects that try to help with that:

  • quicklink: detects visible links, waits for the browser to be idle and if it isn't on slow connection, it prefetches those links.
  • if you hover over a link for 65ms, it preloads that link. The new Version 2 allows you to configure of the time delay or whether to wait for a click or press before preloading.

Combine those things with technological improvements like paint holding, and building a SPA architecture just for the speed benefits may become unnecessary (though it may still be desirable for other reasons, like code-splitting, putting the onus of routing onto front-end developers, etc.).

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Preload, prefetch and other link tags

Ivan Akulov has collected a whole bunch of information and know-how on making things load a bit more quickly with preload and prefetch. That's great in and of itself, but he also points to something new to me – the as attribute:

<link rel="preload" href="/style.css" as="style" />

Supposedly, this helps browsers prioritize when to download assets and which assets to load.

My favorite part of this post is Ivan’s quick summary at the end which clearly defines what all these different tags can be used for:

<link rel="preload"> – when you’ll need a resource in a few seconds
<link rel="prefetch"> – when you’ll need a resource on a next page
<link rel="preconnect"> – when you know you’ll need a resource soon, but you don’t know its full url yet

Make sure to check out our own post on the matter of prefetching, preloading, and prebrowsing, too. Adding these things to our links can make significant performance improvements and so check it out to add more resources to your performance toolbox.

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