Portfolio Architecture Examples: Finance Collection

This article is a continuation of a series of posts about our project named Portfolio Architectures. A previous post, Portfolio Architecture Examples: Healthcare Collection, begins with a project overview, introduction, and examples of tooling and workshops available for the project.  You may want to refer back to that post to gain insight into the background of Portfolio Architectures before reading further.

Finance Collection

The collection featured today is centered around architectures in the financial services industry. There are currently two architectures in this collection. We'll provide a short overview of each, leaving the in-depth exploration as an exercise for the reader.

Portfolio Architecture Examples: Infrastructure Collection

This article is a continuation of a series of posts about our project named Portfolio Architectures. A previous post, Portfolio Architecture Examples: Healthcare Collection, begins with a project overview, introduction, and examples of tooling and workshops available for the project.  You may want to refer back to that post to gain insight into the background of Portfolio Architectures before reading further.

Infrastructure Collection

The collection featured today is centered around infrastructure architectures. There are currently seven architectures in this collection and we'll provide a short overview of each, leaving the in-depth exploration as an exercise for the reader.

Portfolio Architecture Examples: Edge Collection

This article is a continuation of a series of posts about our project named Portfolio Architectures. A previous post, Portfolio Architecture Examples: Healthcare Collection, begins with a project overview, introduction, and examples of tooling and workshops available for the project.  You may want to refer back to that post to gain insight into the background of Portfolio Architectures before reading further.  

Edge Collection

The collection featured today focuses on edge computing architectures. There are currently five architectures in this collection, and we'll provide a short overview of each, leaving the in-depth exploration as an exercise for the reader.

Portfolio Architecture Examples: Telco Collection

This article is a continuation of a series of posts about our project named Portfolio Architectures. The previous post, Portfolio Architecture Examples: Healthcare Collection, begins with a project overview, introduction, and examples of tooling and workshops available for the project.  You may want to refer back to that post to gain insight into the background of Portfolio Architectures before reading further.  

Telco Collection

The collection featured today is centered around architectures in the telco domain. There are three architectures in this collection and we'll provide a short overview of each, leaving the in-depth exploration as an exercise for the reader.Portfolio Architecture Telco Collection

Portfolio Architecture Examples: Healthcare Collection

For a few years now we've been working on a project we have named Portfolio Architectures. These are based on selecting a specific use case we are seeing used in the real world by customers and then finding implementations of that case using three or more products from the Red Hat portfolio.

This basic premise is used as the foundation, but many aspects of open source are included in both the process and the final product we have defined. There is a community, where we share the initial project kickoff with a group of architects and use their initial feedback from the start. We also present the architecture product we've created right at the end before we publish to ensure usability by architects in the field. The final published product includes some internal-only content around the customer projects researched, but most of the content is open and freely available through various open-source channels.