Differences Between Laravel and Yii

Ask any seasoned web app developer about their choice of programming language, and they are sure to mention PHP. PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. As per Builtwith, 3,090,319 live websites are still using PHP. However, when it comes to developing massive projects without lag or stability issues, developers tend to use frameworks, and PHP has two remarkable frameworks: 1) Laravel and 2) Yii. Both frameworks have a lot of followers in terms of full-grown communities globally, and there may be questions arising about which to choose.

What Are Laravel and Yii?

Laravel is a simple PHP framework frequently used for web-based or web application development initially created as a better alternative to Codeigniter. It is known for MVC Support, articulated ORM systems, reliability, modularity, and uncomplicated coding rules. Some of the key features of Laravel Framework are:

The 9 Most Popular PHP Frameworks for Developers


PHP has been the most loved programming language across the globe for decades, and it's for good reasons. PHP development is fast, secure, and rather easy to maintain, plus there's less manual coding, and there are a plethora of libraries. In today's time, it is almost 79% of all websites. 

Different PHP frameworks have helped developers come up with amazing product solutions. So, what are the most common PHP frameworks used by developers? And why are these their choices? We'll be figuring that out in this article, with a bonus of understanding which framework is best for which kind of website. Let's get started. 

Top 10 PHP Frameworks for Web Development

Do you want to build a website using PHP but wondering which framework would be most desirable for you? If yes, then your search ends here. As here in this article, I will be listing down the top 10 PHP frameworks for developing excellent web apps

PHP is one of the most extensively used languages for web development. According to a web development stat, about 80% of all websites are built using PHP as of 2020.